I thank everyone for the comments They all have been very helpful
I am female 5'7 170 lbs Body fat %-- 27% Fat weight--46 lbs Lean weight--124 lbs And I calorie counted so long until after I plateau and nothing was working so I switched to macro counting and then I started seeing toning happening and inches being lost. I am just trying to keep pushing forward and continue getting results…
I went to figure it out and I am not sure if that will work It would be 32/32/36% My carb range would be same as my protein range I will try to play with this and see what happens Little worried since I have been told to keep fat low and protein high
Do you calculate lb weight by what you weigh present or ideal weight
Is that just for protein.what about carbs and fat And once I get my macro percentage how do I know my calorie range should be. At this moment I am doing 1700 calories 182 g protein And I tap out around 1500 calories when my macros is reached and its my fat intake that keeps me from hitting my protein mark
Yes fat is good for you but fat is fat and too much is not good
Any suggestions how I find out how much macros I really need ?
I am in process of toning,so I am weight lifting I only have 15 lbs left to lose, so I had to change my routine cause I hit a plateau. Since I have been plateau for a year,its been suggested I up my calories and switch to macro counting
That's sounds right to me,I have been sticking to my 1200 a day,I know weight will come off fast at beginning,I just want to continue to make sure I lose 2 lbs a week,that's why I was wondering if I stick to 1200 that I will lose weight each week :)
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