I'll put a new pic up June first at 205lbs and 8-9% BF...tell me it's impossible then.
I consider 10% or under lean...
I would but the only problem is summer is almost here! Next winter I will definitely bulk some and cut back down.
Thank you WanaBeFit2015 but I'm nowhere near where I want to be yet!
101 in the 80's yes. Bulking is not as accepted science as you may think...especially if your trying to stay at 10% BF year round like I am. It's just a slower process...sustained gains over time.
Also lifting heavy isn't always the answer. TUT(time under tension) intensity and advanced techniques like drop and supersets, negatives, and rest-pause, put just as much or more stress on your muscles which is what is needed for growth.
It's possible...just difficult. It takes 500 extra calories a day to put in a pound a long as you take in 2 grams per pound body weight in protein and keep your carb and fat calories under 250 grams(carbs) and 75-100 grams(fat)