brisloth Member


  • Get a spiral cutter and make zucchini noodles! My favorite is the zoodles with one or two wedges of laughing cow light swiss and some mushrooms all warmed up together. Super filling and incredibly low calorie.
  • I really don't. I have next to no idea how that works, and I would rather just take a multivitamin than give myself the utter headache that trying to account for all of that would be. If I lived on my own, it would probably be easier, but I don't, and I really don't do all of the shopping so I can't tailor it to my diet.…
  • I do have a food scale, and I weigh everything that I possibly can on it. If I'm out and can't log anything and absolutely have to eat, I typically estimate it at 2-3 times as much as I consumed to try and avoid error. There have been a few days where I haven't logged everything that I've eaten (Like saturday of this past…
  • Technically anything can be resized, but as stated above, things can get complicated. That said, learning to do simple alterations to clothes is so incredibly worth it, especially when losing weight. I would suggest looking into getting a cheap sewing machine and trying your hand at basic alterations (practice on clothes…
  • I've started eating less than 600 calories a day to speed up my loss. My TDEE is only like 1600 right now, so 1200 is going to get me pretty much nowhere. I'm actually pretty *kitten* proud of myself for how much self restraint I can show.
  • 5'3", my goal weight is 110 or less.