fishybaldrick Member


  • I have a charge HR and spent ages comparing and reading review on the internet before taking the plunge, I was considering the Jawbone Up3 but went with the Fitbit charge HR as it was available now, and I preferred the user face of the app. I've found the tracking to be accurate (comparing the heartbeat reading with that…
  • I suffer from Plantar fasciitis which has got steadily worse over three years or so, I've had steroid injections in both heels, of which it has only really worked in one so after seeing another specialist I no longer run so swim a great deal more and spin classes are a sweaty godsend. I also have to wear crocs at home…
  • Been on a couple of weeks now, getting bored of looking at my own stuff on my newsfeed so friends would be helpful so anyone feel free to add me
  • I'm a new charge HR user and would quite like to give the challenge stuff a go to
  • I've got the Fitbit Charge HR and had it for about 3 weeks now and it's wonderful, it's dead easy to use, and syncs effortlessly with MFP which is better for logging my food intake. I use the tracker to log all the activity and individual exercises and MFP for calorie count. Therefore the Fitness Pal doesn't double count…
  • I ordered my Fitbit Charge HR on Amazon (UK) and it was with me in 3 days, I must admit I love it and find it really useful, I also have subsequently purchased the Aria scales as well. I find all the various tracking parts a great motivational tool
  • I've had the fitbit charge hr for just over a week and love it, the simplistic approach of just wearing it suits me to the ground. Not being waterproof is the other downside I have discovered so far, well worth the money