@ndj1979 you can make jokes and can have a gud sense of humor. but on these type of forums, some people can take it as jokes n some might take it seriously. they were just trying to say this I concluded. :smile:
Emilia thanks so much. you are such a support.
that was informative.. thanks for posting it :smile:
Respect for you :smile:
tthey are all fine :smile:
wow.. thanks for the advice :smile:
What I heard is, exercising a lot on a particular part and then consume some high protiene or fat foods will increase mass on that specific part. any ideas?
5000 calories are just too much to digest. :neutral:
That's not a bad idea :wink:
Ice cream? :open_mouth: are you sure? And what's the ingredients of gravy?
True that :neutral:
That's sweet :blush:
Thanks terizius, that was helpful :smile:
Hi dear, Have a diet chart first of all and then stick to it. Keep high calorie food in your diet. Eating big is not the key, eating right is the key to gain weight as per my understanding during this journey of weight gain. Ensure is a good thing to have but have 2 scoops of ensure in milk daily. Not in the water. Do not…