jordan2292x Member


  • I have in the past and do ok however my carbs always take up ridiculous amounts of my calories which is partly my reason for debating the keto diet
  • Thanks you have made it sound a lot more dooable than what I have read online. Do you focus on a amount of fats and proteins you eat or just how few carbs you eat?
  • I just struggle with loosing weight and then keeping it off. I did slimming world and lost a stone then couldn't loose anymore, I have now gained a lot due to overeating with stress. So I am just looking to lose weight and my gym suggested keto diet.
  • Thanks for the food tips. I will give them a go xx
  • What fats do you eat? I eat a lot of veg and hardly any fruit so I am ok there, I know I need to cut the carbs but I am unsure on what fats to have. X
  • I rely on carbs, have never even debated cutting down on them before but iv realised I eat way to much. Didn't think of pintrest, thanks! It's the whole eating more fat thing that I'd struggle with with keto as I don't eat a lot of fat, I may just try lower carbs and a few keto recipes and see how I go. Thanks x
  • Yeah I totally agree with that, I actually can't believe how many calories are in some stuff I eat, it's Defo going to be a struggle lol! I'll try maybe cutting down carbs a little but not to keto amount. Thanks xx
  • Would it be just as beneficial to lower the carbs and eat healthier do you think? I sometimes find as soon as I become strict I want it more!
  • I thought slimming world was great for a kick start but i got to a point where no matter what i did i couldn't loose anymore which is why iv swapped diets. Id advise you to use this app so you can track your exercise and also get your body fat percentage weighed once a week, this is because I found I would do alot of…
  • Thanks everyone :-) I shall be trying them all this week!
  • Thanks everyone! That's what I need Ellen, support. So hard doing it alone isn't it.x Well done, 7lb in a week is amazing x
    in Add me Comment by jordan2292x April 2015
  • Yeah know what you mean I'm awfully grumpy if I'm hungry. I'll make sure I snack throughout today. Cheers xx
  • Well I'm clearly in and decorating so will be burning alot more than the normal just hoovering etc. But I think it's definitely overblown on here so may not include it. Thanks guys glad I'm not the only one whom thinks it's over exaggerated
  • Aww thanks hun :)
    in Add me Comment by jordan2292x April 2015
  • Thanks xx
    in Add me Comment by jordan2292x April 2015