I have the same goal...jus stared though...430 to 200.
I think I've seen that woman before on youtube, I might actually go to a docter about it to see if there is somthing I can do about it.
It's been this way for a long time..I'd say since I was 6 or 7 maybe even before then. By reject it I mean I gag, throw up. I just figured I'd ask about it now that I'm trying to live healthier.
I mean I've actually tried other things..such as carrots and celery, apples, blueberries, rasberries but I can't even swollow them without my body rejecting them.
I can eat meat, bread, rice, somtimes I can eat potatos but only if they are instant not mashed. But my body rejects anything that isn't what I listed above.
Thanks, support means a lot to me.
@kristenlarkin n I have been doing low carb and low fat, the only thing I have really messed up on is the sodium intake. @sjbrownjr Thank you. My dads kidneys are at 9% and I'm the only match out of his family.
I appreciate that. It means a lot.