Big guy, Big goal, looking for recomendations

My name is Steve and I have a really big goal of loosing 200 lbs to be the weight I need to be to donate a kidney to my father. I know this is a long journey but I think I can get by with a little help from the community. I've been eating with a 1000ish calorie deficit and also going to the gym for an hour and an hour and a half each soft drinks or starches with a low carb diet as well. I'm just motivated and ready for my journey. I'd like reccomendations for work outs, recipes and even if it helps me, songs for my workout playlist.


  • Hey there! I don't use this app a ton, but I will pitch in where needed to motivate you!
  • Steve29889
    Steve29889 Posts: 11 Member
    I appreciate that. It means a lot.
  • zezelryck
    zezelryck Posts: 251 Member
    Metallica's black album always sounds good to me when I am training. You could add me as a friend on here if you like I have lost 195lb and know what you are facing :-)
  • kalbo798
    kalbo798 Posts: 58 Member
    The best thing you can do is not look at it like 200 lbs man. The weight of that goal will crush you, no pun intended. Far better to focus on 10-15 lb increments. Also I have plenty of very good workout audio for you to listen to. To start I suggest searching Mateusz M on youtube.
  • sjbrownjr
    sjbrownjr Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Steve,
    I'm also have 200 lbs to lose to make my goal weight.
    I've been doing almost exactly the same thing you are with 1000 calorie deficit as well as an hour of cardio 5 days a week at the gym. I've been doing this for several months and have lost almost 40 lbs. The thing I do that help the most is eating small amounts of high protein snacks, drinking 2 glasses of water with each snack, and when I work out I listen to audio books. It makes the time fly by and I don't feel so much like I'm working out.

    Good luck and I truly admire you for your dedication for your father!
  • kristenlarkin
    kristenlarkin Posts: 235 Member
    I have lost 105 pounds since July 21. I stick to under 20g of carbs a day and have about 30 mour pounds I want to lose. Are you doing low carb, high fat? If so there are a ton of recipes on the facebook page "I love low carb" also has a lot.
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    edited April 2015
    bah... I was trying to give you motivational advice... but you want playlist ideas... I like old school Metallica, Billy Idol, Ozzy, Poison, Def leppard..things that get me a little pumped to move and throw the weights around.
  • MomofFour1976
    MomofFour1976 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I too like Metallica when working out. Music makes the workout fun and helps focus. Something I am working into my plan is a cheat day. Often times I don't need the whole day, but it is less mentally stressful. I'm here to support you on your journey!! Feel free to add me to your friends list.
  • Steve29889
    Steve29889 Posts: 11 Member
    @kristenlarkin n I have been doing low carb and low fat, the only thing I have really messed up on is the sodium intake. @sjbrownjr Thank you. My dads kidneys are at 9% and I'm the only match out of his family.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    Yo. If you have any questions about the process or surgery etc, I just did this (not QUITE as much weight loss, but about 170 - 175 pounds lost, depending on the day...) and was fiiiiiiiiinally able to donate a kidney to my dad a few months back. (I'd already lost all the weight by LAST january, but the "jumping through hoops" gong show was never ending for
  • kristenlarkin
    kristenlarkin Posts: 235 Member
    I wish you a lot of luck. I know you'll be able to get it done. Low Carb is definitely a fast way to lose weight and pretty painless. I've lost a lot of weight without working out and am now finally getting to the point where I need to stop being lazy and just work out to tone everything up. You can pretty much google anything and find a low carb version of it. I personally eat pretty high fat because it keeps me full longer and I eat less, but I'm sure low fat works as well.
  • Steve29889
    Steve29889 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks, support means a lot to me.