inlovewithwords Member


  • 7/17 : 268 (reboot after ~ 2.5 months off track) 7/20 : 262.8 7/28: 259 Happy to be in a new decade! GW: < 200 Plugging away...
  • Today was guacamole ranch dip with celery, 2 slices of cheddar jack, and a few slices of pepperoni. Easy peasy, yummy, and filling.
  • Jumping in, because I need the accountability. Started right after Christmas at 289 Fell off the Wagon in April at 245 Restarted Sunday 7/17 at 268 Current weight 7/20 : 262.8 My goal for now is to get below 200. I'll see how I feel once I reach that milestone and set a new goal from there.
  • I'm in a similar place. My short term goal was to get below 250 because I haven't spent any time on the other side of it in many, many years. I started at 289 on December 27 and set a goal of 249. As of this morning I'm 245.8. Now that I'm below 250 there's no way I'm stopping. I love this WOE. I feel better than I ever…