It sure is awesome when your 4 y/o says "Daddy, can we go to the gym again?"
Leg day is a love/hate relationship...
3.5 miles today and about a 45 min chest workout! Hopefully I can keep hitting this hard.
It sure isn't hurtin anything, that's for sure!
Thank you all!
60 min....6 miles! A shade over 900 calories! Shakin off my fat kid!
Thanks! I've been hitting gym pretty hard and running. I haven't lost any weight yet but all of my clothes are fitting a lot loser. So, I'm measuring my success by that for the time being.
Thank you! Coming from 269 is an awesome accomplishment! Congrats!
Awesome! I'm not sure of how inspirational I can be but I can support the hell out of ya! Keep up the good work!
Get on a good diet plan to start with. Cut out red meat and eat your veggies and fruits. Start exercising. You don't have to try and burn 500 calories right off the bat. Your muscles will be sore and the harder you work the more sore they will be, don't let this discourage you. The pain of a great workout become addicting…
I appreciate it! Thank you!
Awesome! Thanks a bunch!