

  • Thank you! I have been lifting for years and while I know I look like I am in shape, I don't have the tone that I would really like...which I have to believe has been partly due to my diet. Even though I eat healthy 80% of the time, I think I have been overeating, especially on weekends when I tend to not care, then spend…
  • I also love those creamers. I bought the single servings that are non dairy and thy are 30 calories and I've decided I don't care. I only use one a day and I love it. Not going to punish myself for this one vice! :) just try to slowly cut back how much you use. It worked for me! I drink a black cup in the afternoon but it…
  • Thanks all! I do lift heavy (I think anyway! 20-25lbs for biceps curls for example) and usually superset with some HIIT at the end of each circuit. Another question I have is on the cardio calories. Do you enter what your machine said as opposed to wha MFP says? My machine is much higher than MFP says. Thanks so much!