

  • Thanks for all the feedback MFPals :) ......I got weight lifting for dummies from the library today. Even with ALLL of your help/comments/explanations I found myself still a little confused. Figured educating myself is the best place to start. Good luck on your fitness journey! -Elle
  • Aw yah this is open to anyone @Allgoingtomakeit !! Sorry, the more the merrier. ESPECIALLY the knowledgeable, I have a feeling a lot of us have questions...speaking of, Last question....for today, where can I find the 5x5 program or the new rules of lifting for women @branlovesu @arditarose??
  • Baaaasically I don't want to have muscle on top of all this squishy fat I have gained. So if I can be like lifting and doing cardio intermittently or whatevs annnnd be melting this fat off that'd be really great.
  • Guys thanks so much for all the feedback. This is all a bit overwhelming, honestly didn't even think about much in regards to weights until instagram opened my eyes. Much prefer the weight trained body over the cardio bunny (because I think for my body type it would be better). I am following a 30 day beginners fitness…
  • So quick question...how come when I add strength training it doesn't add to calories burnt for my tracking? I guess it's kind of messing with my head because I have weight to lose AND I want to be strong....my cardio counts towards calories for the day but not my weights? Haaaaalp!
  • Hey ladies, i'm so in! I definitely need to lose weight that I've put on, but I'm hoping to eventually get into a "girls that lift" scenario. I am totally new to this all but if this sounds like you let's definitely connect and figure all this craziness out together!