Girls That Lift! (Hopefully one day)



  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    branlovesu wrote: »
    Im starting stronglifts 5×5 tomorrow! Ive been doing a lot of research. Its a great "total body" lifting program!

    Nice. I haven't done it because I chose another program but I read through it and it looks fun. Plus I haven't heard a single bad review about it.
  • Allgoingtomakeit
    I hope you don't mind me messaging in this group, or if its just for girls? Anyway, something I love doing is helping people with their fitness especially weights, and especially women and weightlifting (studied it as my thesis and huge believer in it!). There are no doubt lots of people that can give you great advice on MFP, im just putting it out there that if you have any questions, feel free to message me an ill answer them as best as I can, using my experience and most of all research based knowledge. Have fun!
  • ElleRogers
    Aw yah this is open to anyone @Allgoingtomakeit !! Sorry, the more the merrier. ESPECIALLY the knowledgeable, I have a feeling a lot of us have questions...speaking of, Last question....for today, where can I find the 5x5 program or the new rules of lifting for women @branlovesu @arditarose??
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    ElleRogers wrote: »
    Aw yah this is open to anyone @Allgoingtomakeit !! Sorry, the more the merrier. ESPECIALLY the knowledgeable, I have a feeling a lot of us have questions...speaking of, Last question....for today, where can I find the 5x5 program or the new rules of lifting for women @branlovesu @arditarose??

    I think everything you need to know about 5x5 is online, just search the program and you'll get the site. I bought my copy of new rules at Barnes n Noble.
  • annaskiski
    annaskiski Posts: 1,212 Member
    There's a Stronglifts group here with a good explanation of the program:

    Here's another group that is more general, but has lots of lifting discussions:

    Both good groups to join....
  • kbunn06
    kbunn06 Posts: 18 Member
    I use the app JEFIT to help guide my lifting. I can make my own workout. You can choose workouts by body type. It gives TONS of options for weight lifting and it shows you how to do the moves.

    It's definitely best to focus on different parts of the body on different days. I lift chest/triceps, Abs/cardio, Shoulders/legs, and back/biceps/forearms.

    As far as Protein shakes, I personally like protein shakes to help me hit my protein goals every day. you can find a good goal from IIFYM, but it's also often suggested to eat 1 g of protein per pound of body weight. I can't quite hit that yet because I'm still overweight, but i do try to make it at least 30% of my diet. Pre workouts are great especially on days that you're dragging. just be sure to take them right before your workout. I know they make my arms and legs tingle if I don't start my workout soon enough after taking it. BCAAs are also great before and after lifting to help with muscle recovery.

    I also believe in heavier weights in order to build muscle. You're not going to get bulky if you're not in major training for some kind of sport or competition. But you will build muscle and it will help you burn fat more efficiently.

    Don't expect results overnight. That's the hardest thing for me. I technically lose slower when I lift than when I do cardio, but at the same time I lose inches way faster! Just remember, when you lift, you need to feed your body. A 1200 calorie diet usually isn't best for lifting.
    Eat To Perform is a great source to learn about diets for lifting. They have a Facebook page and are constantly posting awesome articles that explain why eating a higher calorie diet is actually better for you.

    I hope the book i just wrote you helps. haha! I'm still learning, too. It's so much fun to research and try new things! Lifting is definitely worth it!
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I just started Stronglifts 5x5 - I'm enjoying it.
  • ninjapixie87
    ninjapixie87 Posts: 124 Member
    ElleRogers wrote: »
    So quick come when I add strength training it doesn't add to calories burnt for my tracking? I guess it's kind of messing with my head because I have weight to lose AND I want to be cardio counts towards calories for the day but not my weights? Haaaaalp!

    The "strength training" exercise entries are really more for tracking your weights/reps, and they don't show any calories burned. However, if you search under the "cardio" section, there is at least one "strength training" option that you can add to your diary. Be careful with adding any of MFP's exercise to your diary and then eating those extra calories...because I think MFP overestimates the calories burned (some exercises are more/less accurate than others). I generally round down the time I spend in that exercise a little, and try not to eat back all the calories.
  • emilypink573
    emilypink573 Posts: 132 Member
    Im also using Jefit dumbbell home work out. I use my HRM and I log it sometimes.
  • shanny_xx_
    shanny_xx_ Posts: 26 Member
    Same here I want to get into lifting, not necessarily body builder lifting lol but I want my muscles to be defined
  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    13suzie wrote: »
    Don't worry --- you build muscle, you increase your capacity to burn calories! Your metabolism is going to be double charged! LIFT HEAVY! BUILD MUSCLES! If you want an estimation of calories burned, wear a heart rate monitor and compute the calories burned...wear a Fit bit or Apple Watch :)

    There are tons of phone apps that lead you through a lifting routine. I love these - they keep me on target!

    No. You don't really build muscle in a deficit, you lose fat and keep muscle. And a fit bit/heart rate monitor is not accurate for weight training.

    Not necessarily accurate, you can gain muscle in a deficit but much more difficult to do so. It depends on how much fat you have to burn off and how much protein you take in during your weight loss. Your body signals fat cells to release fat into your blood stream so that it can be used for energy. Therefore, the more energy (calories) that are supplied to your body, along with other muscle building necessities such as amino acids from protein, your body can repair damaged muscle fibers as well as support it's own energy needs. Now, the less fat you have, the more your muscle gain will taper off until you start burning muscle to support energy needs. The bigger you are, the more muscle you can gain but you have to put in a strong strength training program from the start. HRM's and fitbits have been found to be inaccurate for strength training but they generally have been shown to underestimate caloric burn, not overestimate as the motion of the muscles, tendons, arteries and capillaries tend to interfere with the light sensor. Therefore, you can use these monitors as guides but they will likely give you a lower caloric burn reading that you actually have, which is a good thing in my book.
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member

    Start out with compound lifts - as others have said Stronglifts 5x5, Starting Strength, NROLW - there are loads of them around. There's lots of evidence that this is the most efficient thing to do as a noob lifter (sure someone could come and slam all the linkees in if you need that evidence). There is a FAB women's 5x5 group on here

    And check out this site - the most sense I have read.

    Start lifting, start now, if you false start and change your routine to something that suits you better that's fine. Just find your thing and then stick with it. Consistency is the key. Keep plugging away.

    You will lose weight if you are in a deficit because that's what your body is gonna do. It can't really do anything else. But you kinda need to get over the scales and get on with the measurements - they'll be your indicator when the scale isn't moving as quickly as you'd like. Good luck and have fun.
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I just started the Body Beast program which is all weight lifting. I have a lot of weight to lose to I am planning on combining it with cardio (walking and running).

    Do you like it? I am new to lifting and want to find something I can stick with that's easy to follow?

    I do like it but it is tough! I am very overweight so almost everything is challenging though.

  • whitneyrabbott
    whitneyrabbott Posts: 21 Member
    This is great information! I've gone from being intimidated by the weight machines to using them, feeling confident, and now I'm doing free weights that are pretty light.
  • juliannerb
    Lift now! You will have tighter skin and muscle burns fat :)
  • ElleRogers
    Thanks for all the feedback MFPals :) ......I got weight lifting for dummies from the library today. Even with ALLL of your help/comments/explanations I found myself still a little confused. Figured educating myself is the best place to start. Good luck on your fitness journey!

  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    ElleRogers wrote: »
    Baaaasically I don't want to have muscle on top of all this squishy fat I have gained. So if I can be like lifting and doing cardio intermittently or whatevs annnnd be melting this fat off that'd be really great.

    You will NOT build muscle while eating in a deficit, you will keep muscle and build strength. ......