

  • Yogurt, banana, bagel or bagel thin, eggs, tuna fish.... theres tons of options! I don't really have breakfast foods at breakfast time ect. I have food that sounds tasty and fit into my diet plan. If your willing to jist eat food in the morning instead of specifically breakfast food it might open up more options for you :)
  • I definitely think its a huge problem here in the US and other countries. But it also depends on where you are. In Florida, my class size of 112 I'm one of two people who are overweight. Ages range from 22 to 34. Which is a lot different then when I went to undergrad on the west coast, i had more company there lol
  • I definitely think its a huge problem here in the US and other countries. But it also depends on where you are. In Florida, my class size of 112 I'm one of two people who are overweight. Ages range from 22 to 34. Which is a lot different then when I went to undergrad on the west coast, i had more company there lol