mleeschum Member


  • Don't give up! There's going to be some stressful moments but you can do it! Also, Nicole is probably right! It's probably water weight. If that happens to be the case, sodium greatly contributes to water weight, so watch out for high sodium foods! Good luck! I'm cheering for you!
  • That's amazing! You look great and I bet you feel much better too! I'm just starting my journey so I have a long path ahead but I love seeing success stories like yours! Hope I can earn my own like you did yours! Congrats! : )
  • Hi Jessica! My name is McKenzie. Nice to meet you! I don't have a lot of money for gym memberships or equipment either. However, I would definitely suggest getting a pedometer if you don't already have one! I found one called Striiv on eBay for really cheap. It also has this silly (but fun) little game that helps motivate…
    in Beginner Comment by mleeschum April 2015
  • That's awesome! What has been working for you? I'm trying to hit cardio and diet to get to my goals. But seriously, that's great! Keep pushing! Also added you! : )
  • Thank you for that! I am bookmarking it now!