

  • Your post wreaks of fatlogic, i.e., rationalizations for deviating from the diet. By calling yourself a "fussy eater" and an "emotional eater," you are effectively pathologizing your inability to commit to the diet. The solution to your problem is simple: change variables. Remove and add foods until you have a diet you can…
  • You didn't post what your typical breakfast is, but I'm willing to bet it's high in carbs. If you replace the carbs with fats and proteins you will feel fuller longer. Also, as already mentioned by other commenters, breakfast is not necessary so don't force yourself to eat it if it's going to negatively affect diet…
  • I have struggled with binge eating most of my life and only recently have I gotten a handle on it. Here is what has helped me: The most important step to deterring binge eating is regulating food availability and accessibility. Only stock your fridge and pantry with the foods on your diet plan, and keep a limited supply of…