jocelynkyork Member


  • Hi! I have a 6, 4, and 2 year old.
  • Thanks! I am definitely a cashew and avocado girl, so this is tough for me. Guess I'll just have to run more!
  • Here are some sites that look helpful:
  • You can also order it online if you can't find it nearby. I live in rural Vermont and have to plan way ahead to get nooch because it isn't at any convenient stores. I freaking love it though. I make a cheese type sauce with 1/2 cup nooch (sometimes more), 1/2 package of silken tofu, 2 tbsp tahini, 1 tbsp yellow mustard,…
  • Here you go! Rip Esselstyn is a firefighter and champion triathlete who has great advice for adopting a "plant-strong" diet and getting optimum health. Here is a video explaining his reasoning: Here is his father, Caldwell Esselstyn's webpage. Dr.…
  • Deer Run Bed and Breakfast! I went there for my honeymoon and it was beyond perfect. 40 minute drive to Key West for nightlife, and near tons of awesome outdoor adventure. Jen and Harry are die-hard vegans and their property is incredible. It's on the Key Deer preserve! Jen studied under a vegan chef to learn to make the…
  • If I haven't eaten very much or anything substantial in awhile, I don't let myself feel hungry for very long, but if I've been getting adequate nutrition, then I let it get to a real growl before I eat just to make sure it's not from boredom or just cravings. It's good to get yourself to the point of actually physically…
  • Hi! Vegetarian for 6 years and became vegan 3 1/2 years ago. Would never go back! Aside from the ethical aspects, I love that when I get into a bingey junk food phase, I only gain half the weight I did before vegan. Hah! Now working on cutting out those phases completely and getting fit for the first time in my life,…
  • I get it! It is so hard not to engage when anti-vegan asshats are littering the internet with self-congratulatory BS and putting down other people who are trying to make a positive difference in the world. It's so hard not to want to figure out a way to silence the haters, but it really is futile. People like that enjoy…
  • Thanks, everyone! Yes, I am coming out of a VERY long winter, which makes it hard enough to keep up my spirits and I am prone to awful migraines (which I actually think will improve with this diet if I do it right), along with working with people and kids all day, taking care of four animals and one very stressed out law…
  • I made a burrito bowl last night and it was awesome and filling. I'm giving you the brands I used so that you can be accurate with the calories. Mix 3/4 c cooked Carolina Brown Rice in a pan with 1/2 c Goya Black Beans Once warm, add 1/4 c Trader Joe's Enchilada Sauce and 2 tsp of fresh lime juice, stir Add dash chili…
  • I just started measuring! I'm on a 1,260 cal base and after starting to measure I'm pretty sure I've been eating 3-4,000 cal/day without regular exercise. Crazy crazy.
  • Hi all! Just getting started here. Went vegetarian 6 years ago and now been vegan for four years. I am vegan because it is unnecessary to use or kill a living being for sustenance, clothing, or entertainment. At least not in the Western developed world. I'm 26 years old and I've never been all that healthy and I've never…