Yes-trying to remove the train wreck but seem to be stuck in it!
a Christine I wasn't directing any negativity towards you. My feelings aren't hurt---I'm simply annoyed.
I don't have a red x on my screen.
OH my god. How do I turn this post off?
Oh believe me, I don't typically sugar coat things either! So I wouldn't expect someone to do so for me. It's not that part that pushes me away. Nonetheless I'll definitely dial it back a bit from here. I'm trying to feel good about my healthy changes and feel I'm being smart about it. Was just looking for support.
-'s this kind of thing that makes me uncomfortable to share in a public forum. There is a polite way to respond to a simple question. Lesson learned here? Don't post anything without expecting someone to force their opinions on you or make you feel minuscule for the plan you're choosing to follow. It's much like…
Ideal Protein
I don't want a FB page so I don't really have that as an option...
Oh no! That's no good! Too bad, huh? I wonder if there's a different group that also focuses on IP?
My goal is to be 60 lbs lighter, gained confidence, self respect and energy! I'm in desperate need to start living my life and stop waiting around for someone to fulfill these needs for me!
Thanks Amy!
Thank you so much!!!!!
I'm going into my 4th week on the Ideal Protein Diet! It's nice to find a spot with other IPers aside from FB which I choose not to have. Please add me as a friend so that I can have an open dialogue and support system at hand when I need you!!! Happy Easter! -Rachel
Awe...shucks...well I'm just so appreciative of the warm welcome(s)!