
  • That's great! :) I know the feeling of not realising how much you eat I can't wait to buy the food scales tonight and see how the difference from then and now :) I haven't weighed myself yet (need to buy scales also) I like your positivity! All the best on your journey and I'm always her to support and motivate you along!…
  • Awesome! Welcome aboard!! Here for support and motivation in your journey :)
  • Whohoo that's us!!! :) cannot wait to get to our goal!! :blush:
  • Awesome stuff!! Thanks this has helped me out majorly! Tonight I'll be getting me some food scales whoop whoop! Excited for the changes ahead! Thanks again! And all the best for your weightloss journey so far from what you've shared it seems like you're doing an awesome job! Keep up the good work! :smiley:
  • Thank you stephobarr!!! :) what you said was very very helpful! And yes I definitely don't want this to be a temporary fix cause I know I'll put it all back on if not more! I'm definitely taking this journey in stages by starting with changing my mindset. By having a positive, healthy and determined mindset I know I'll be…
  • I'm similar to you in so many ways... I used MFP a few years ago but never onced used the community.. It was until I actually looked at it a couple of days ago that I thought what the heck let's give it a go! I'm so glad to finally for once speak up and not be shy as there are so many others who are in the same situation…
  • Thanks so much for your honesty! Also congrats on your weight loss achievement! :) will definitely take on your advice and experiences.. Two questions was there ever a day where you skipped logging your food? And did you notice a difference in weighing food compared to not doing it? Thanks again :)
  • Awesome weight loss achievement! :) Thanks for the tips and advice will definitely work in those things that apply to me and slowly but surely work it off by the end of the year :)
  • WOOOOW!!! Congrats on your weight loss achievement! :) What motivated you in keeping to your weight loss goal and how often would you work out during the week? Cheers :)
  • Wow! What a great achievement! Congrats :) awesome thanks for the meal ideas! I am also a huge fan of chicken! Lol did you put the chicken in containers or ziplock bags? And did it taste weird being stored in them as I've heard from others that it didn't taste good and tasted like plastic... cheers :)
  • That's awesome! Here to support and motivate you in your journey :)
  • Accepted. Whohoo welcome aboard! Can't wait to share and support one another in reaching our goal
  • Accepted. And congratulations on such an amazing achievement! :) I can't wait till I get to that stage! :)
  • Yeah I know what you mean! I've tried so many different weight loss programmes but it's too costly.. I actually like the way that on here you are accountable for your eating and exercising and you have friends who are witnesses to your new change and lifestyle as well as supporters for one another :) it's nice to share…
  • I'm also looking for a Zumba class here in NZ! Such a fun and interactive way of keeping fit and losing weight :)
  • Cool.. Sending friend request!
  • Aww that's awesome! I've had this app before but only now have I really taken an interest and want to start making healthier choices.. Haha I'm getting that way lol