88Jaba2015 Member


  • @poppycooo thank you so much for this week starting I'm gonna buy the Rye bread and crackers. I removed the bread from the house as I don't want any temptation if I don't like the new option. Buy I know by next week I'll be used to it. Thanx alot
  • Oh I also go to gym about 4 times a week. I don't have a stick exercise plan but been doing cardiovascular so far
  • Hi everyone. I joined the group coz I wanted some sort of accountability. And want to loose about 15kg. I'm new here so when I started with the weight in I saw I was class 1 obese I freaked out, coz I'm weight conscious. Now have not lost much and I don't feel good about it. By the way can anyone tell me what can I…