Goals for the 8 Weeks?



  • agartin
    agartin Posts: 274 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'd like to lose an average for 1.5lbs per week during this challenge - so 12lbs. I'm currently 190, so at the end of this challenge hope to be around 178 at least. I also want to start meal planning and prep! And of course logging everyday. I want to make an effort to exercise about 5 days a week - mixture of cardio (3 days) and strength training (2 days). I want to be able to do 20 pushups with no modifiers! And run a mile without stopping. HAHAHA
  • Akello978
    Akello978 Posts: 4 Member
    I want to lose 16lbs during the 8 weeks. I need to get back on track with my no sugar rule and let chuck in the no bread rule. This will have to start from tomorrow because i've already had toast and candy floss today.
    I've been hitting my step goal so i need to add 2 half hour aerobics classes.

    1. no sugar
    2. no bread
    3. 12k daily step goal
    4. 1 hr aerobics class each week
    5. 2lbs a week loss

    I wish everybody all the success in these 8 weeks.

  • hoppa321
    hoppa321 Posts: 448 Member
    I have a wedding to attend in exactly 8 weeks. I been fairly focused on eating clean and hitting my workouts the past 3-4 weeks and am currently down almost 8 lbs. I don't know if I'll make my goal weight in time (would need fairly aggressive weight loss) but I'm determined to get as close to it as possible in the next 8 weeks! I bought my dress for the wedding yesterday and it zips just barely but should be perfect in 8 weeks - I'm going to try it on weekly for my motivation to stay on track :)
  • trishfit2014
    trishfit2014 Posts: 304 Member
    I would like to join. I have lacked willpower like crazy lately. I would be happy with 8 lbs in 8 weeks. I need to stop the stress eating. I think for 8 weeks:
    1. no chocolate except chocolate flavored protein powder
    2. no wine -ugh
    3. run at least 20 miles a week
    4. quit eating junk I do not even like.
  • Rajik5
    Rajik5 Posts: 5 Member
    I want to lose 2lbs per week so that I'm slim n trim for my summer holidays in Spain :) . I've lost 12lbs so far at about 1-2lbs per week but it has slowed down, stalled actually :/ I stopped logging what I was eating so I'm going to start that up again.
    Good luck everyone !
  • Thank you for making this group. I need motivation. I can go off to the races one second and then the next i ask myself why am i bothering. I know it's a bad habit that i need to fix. I'm going to Disney in July and I'm hoping to lose some weight by than. I'd love to lose a total of 65lbs in total. (Doesn't have to be before July but would be nice lol)
  • Tanira17
    Tanira17 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey! My birthday is June 7th and I want to lose as much as possible! Not sure if 20ls is doable but I'll work for it either way!
  • poppycooo
    poppycooo Posts: 49 Member
    My goal is more of an end of the year goal. But I do hope to be down 1/2 stone by the end of the 8 weeks, however there is a sneaky weekend away in there, and my birthday! Haha! Also hoping to regain some running fitness back that I have let dwindle over the last few months :(
  • 88Jaba2015
    88Jaba2015 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone. I joined the group coz I wanted some sort of accountability. And want to loose about 15kg. I'm new here so when I started with the weight in I saw I was class 1 obese I freaked out, coz I'm weight conscious. Now have not lost much and I don't feel good about it. By the way can anyone tell me what can I substitute for bread coz I eat it alot. Thanx and good luck to all
  • 88Jaba2015
    88Jaba2015 Posts: 3 Member
    Oh I also go to gym about 4 times a week. I don't have a stick exercise plan but been doing cardiovascular so far
  • poppycooo
    poppycooo Posts: 49 Member
    88Jaba2015 wrote: »
    Hi everyone. I joined the group coz I wanted some sort of accountability. And want to loose about 15kg. I'm new here so when I started with the weight in I saw I was class 1 obese I freaked out, coz I'm weight conscious. Now have not lost much and I don't feel good about it. By the way can anyone tell me what can I substitute for bread coz I eat it alot. Thanx and good luck to all

    You could try something more wholegrain like rye bread or rye crackers? Or wholegrain crackers of any sort is good. I'm not a fan of rye bread but will eat it as I know it is good for me and will help stave off those fluffy shop breads!

    I find with any bad habit of mine that if I go through 3 days of not having it and cry over the cravings that by the 4th day I'm not so bothered and suddenly don't need t anymore....
  • 88Jaba2015
    88Jaba2015 Posts: 3 Member
    @poppycooo thank you so much for this week starting I'm gonna buy the Rye bread and crackers. I removed the bread from the house as I don't want any temptation if I don't like the new option. Buy I know by next week I'll be used to it. Thanx alot
  • poppycooo
    poppycooo Posts: 49 Member
    88Jaba2015 wrote: »
    @poppycooo thank you so much for this week starting I'm gonna buy the Rye bread and crackers. I removed the bread from the house as I don't want any temptation if I don't like the new option. Buy I know by next week I'll be used to it. Thanx alot

    Try it toasted with a healthy topping, I like mine with chicken and baby spinach, with a small serving of salad cream :)
  • anih87
    anih87 Posts: 25 Member
    I think I'm a little late on posting my goals but I am aiming for 8kgs in 8 weeks! It is my best friend's wedding at the end of 8 weeks and would like to wear something pretty for that :)
  • LadyPinkMan
    LadyPinkMan Posts: 205 Member
    anih87 wrote: »
    I think I'm a little late on posting my goals but I am aiming for 8kgs in 8 weeks! It is my best friend's wedding at the end of 8 weeks and would like to wear something pretty for that :)

    Wow... Thats Great... I too have to attend my best friends engagement and planning to lose almost similar weight
    in similar time frame.
    Would really like to know how you are working towards your goal and if would want to lend me few tips. :):) .

  • amyrapp
    amyrapp Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! I have been working on changing how I eat and adding more exercise to my day everyday. I have a goal of losing 10 pounds by May (down 2 already). I have been working hard to restructure my day to make eating healthier an easy choice. My work requires at lot of walking so my goal is to get 5 miles of walking at work everyday - even when it rains and I'm feeling too lazy. Most days I easily walk 3 miles between my office and my patients. Trying to park farther away and not leave before having capped off my 5 miles. Then working out for real when i get home.
    Good luck to everyone! ! We can do this!! Writing our goals and having accountability without shame is what will make this happen!
  • jpulp
    jpulp Posts: 19 Member
    Ive been bad about posting goals, but my goal is to lose 20 pounds on 8 weeks.