Explain to him that you will not eat the food and don't eat it. That's what I did when I was in high school.
I thought so too until I realized that simple things do increase my heart rate. Since I've had mine I've lost more weight than before.
I love my Fitbit charge hr. My sister in law and brother in law have them too. It helps us make sure we are meeting our goals (mine is to lose weight, SIL to maintain, and BIL is to gain).. We hold oursves accountae with them. I find the hr monitor accurate
Good luck!!
I do!
Good luck!
Adding now
I'm a 23 year old mom.. I already had 20 lbs I needed to lose but now I have 70 lbs. my son is 10 months and I decided enough was enough
Good job!
Congrats! I'm adding you now
Hi! You can add me I'm 23 and just got serious about my journey a week ago. I would love friends who will help keep me motivated because I don't know anyone in real life who are struggling like I am
Hi! I'm 23.. 220 lbs 5'7.. I have an active 10 month old little boy. I have multiple goals but the biggest one is 70- 80 lbs. I really want to get my blood pressure in check before it's too late!