amandarada Member


  • lmao!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • I was on weight watchers for two years and on the old program lost over 50 lbs, on the new program ive gained almost all of it back.....I hate PP which is why i now do this. This is only my second week but i enjoy this so much more then the points, so much so that i will be stopping my online membership today.
  • Thats 2lb a week which is healthy weight loss and very do-able
  • okay I go to the grocery store (not the market), and get a buggy (not a cart) and buy pop (not soda) and i always have my pocket book (not purse) and my friend go round and round on this exact topic
  • I did the first day today and i fell fine I'm not hungry at all, actually quite full after everything they tell you to eat a dinner. Im thinking the large amount of protien really helped keep hunger at bay, I typically dont eat that much raw protien. We will have to wait and see what tomorrow looks like but over all I feel…
  • Thanks so much! Ive made the update.....another question so you guys eat the calories you earn back by exercise? I would assume (nasty word) that that would be counter productive. You exersice to burn calories to lose weight if you eat those calories back its like you never exercised. Just my thoughts feed back would be…