Viciousdoggie, after my tiny yorkie whose name was Vicious. Loved her to the moon and back.
Started Keto before the holidays, lost 6. Then went off track, gained 4. Back on track yesterday.....
I love Vitamin water Zero, dragonfruit. So, now I just add Vodka to it. I was drinking 2 bottles of wine a week and a few dark beers. Now 2 or 3 vodkas on the saturday and nothing in between :)
I'm 2 weeks in, only down 6 pounds, but going strong and determined. More support the merrier!
I'm on day 5. Only lost 2 lbs, 55 to go. I may need a better scale. What does everyone else use?
Good info
nicmac1969, I have genetic High Cholesterol. It killed both my parents. I have struggled the last 17 years, since my divorce to keep weight off. I also survived breast cancer 23 years ago. Full mastectomy and reconstruction, 9 months of Chemo. 8 years ago I was 175, and I'm 5'8". The last 5 years I hover around 200. I need…
I started today. Getting the numbers right seems to be the hardest part.
All great info. I started today too. Struggling to get the macros right. Should have added heavy cream to my eggs.... Giving up my Coffee with French Vanilla Creamer is the hardest part. Going to try Bulletproof coffee tomorrow.