KateNkognito Member


  • Today is our anniversary! I guess after all this time I will keep him! 😉 This week is going to be a busy one! Monday is a track meet and my parents are coming to see it (unless it rains). I have one after school thing. Then Friday I get up at about 3:30 or 4 to take my youngest to the airport for his trip to Chicago with a…
  • At the end of a very looooong day I got a phone call... I GOT THE JOB! Super excited!
  • Today was super busy, but a pretty good day. The end of the year is coming up quickly! I actually had a chance to cook dinner tonight and it was really good and super simple. 😊 Looking forward to having more time to cook in the future. It always tastes better. The only part I don't like is the dishes after. Safe travels…
  • Crazy couple of days. 🫤 Can't believe tomorrow is May! Kids are starting to get a little antsy about summer. Either excited to get out of school and losing it, or dreading getting out of school and losing it. @Meghan509 Glad you had a nice weekend! What a lovely woodpecker! I hope tomorrow goes quickly. Safe travels! Going…
  • LOL @Meghan509! Whatever the number, happy birthday to your mom! Enjoy your time off with her! Not a bad day today. Students did presentations. They are all so nervous about it! Have a great weekend!
  • @Meghan509 Happy Birthday to your mom! May the 4th be with her! I am feeling better today. It was a pretty good day. Except when it rained and the children briefly turned into gremlins. Otherwise a good day. Have a great Friday! Stay healthy!
  • Well, after 24 hours of rest, I am feeling better! And I heard that it was a good day to be gone. Apparently the full moon is still making them crazy. Going to have an early dinner and then go to bed.
  • Well, the minor sinus thing I had turned into a not so minor chest thing. I have lots of leave saved up, so I wrote sub plans and I am taking tomorrow off. @Meghan509 I signed up for MFP premium. The plans are pretty useful and I like tracking specific things as I focus on them (sugar, protein, etc.). Glad you have good…
  • This week is off to a good start. Hopefully it keeps up the good work. I washed and folded ALL my laundry this weekend! Major accomplishment, considering I hadn't done any in over two weeks. 😯 I started a My Fitness Pal program to focus on getting more protein. So far, so good. Feeling fuller and fewer carbs crashes.…
  • Well, this week COMPLETELY got away from me! Sorry! It was a good start on Monday. I got to play with dogs! After that, it all just went by in a blur! My youngest did really well at his track meet yesterday. 😊 Students were pretty good, overall. Today my "naughty" class was super great because I bribed them with... baby…
  • Good day, so far. Just relaxing and doing nothing. My dog is so happy to have me home today. He keeps checking to see if I am still here. Have a lovely weekend, @Meghan509!
  • @Meghan509 Good luck with Monday! Glad you had a nice lunch today. It is nice when employers appreciate the employees. I am so glad we have a three day weekend! I think I would have taken tomorrow off if it hadn't already been a day off. I need rest after the last couple of weeks. Nothing bad, just super busy. My son is…
  • Nailed the interview! Won't hear anything for at least a couple of weeks, though. I think I have a pretty good shot at it, unless they need someone that can start sooner. Thanks for the well wishes, @Meghan509. That was really nice that you got recognized at work. ❤️ I am going to bed very early tonight. My lovely old dog…
  • So I took my 7th grade class outside today. We're starting ecosystem biodiversity. They did a fantastic job. We were lined up and I was swiping my card to get back in and they all started screaming. Something jumped out of the tall grass and they thought it was a rat. It was a bunny 🐇. One girl accidentally punched the…
  • Today was eclipse day! It didn't happen here until almost the end of the school day. Overall a good start to a short week. I am super tired and going to bed soon. Allergies are kicking my behind.
  • Yesterday was a long day. Students were good, but my son and a track meet after and we didn't get home until after 10. Good news is, it was his first varsity meet and he got a personal record by 9 seconds! Today I am just chugging along until I get to go home. @Meghan509 That's wild about the earthquake. As a geologist, I…
  • @Meghan509 Glad they got back to you. Sorry about the weather. For the watch, try going through Google Fit. It syncs with about everything and will pass your data through from one app to another. The only thing I can't make it do is pass my calorie data to my fasting app. But steps, sleep, etc. all work. The children lost…
  • Today was long and I was starving all day long. I got a call for an interview next Wednesday! @Meghan509 I hope everyone got their act together so you could get stuff done. Have a good week!
  • Today was a whirlwind! Busy day at school and then my youngest had his first track meet. He wasn't last! @Meghan509 I hope your birds come back soon! We always get a big drop off at our feeder after the bugs come out. Glad you had a nice weekend. Accidental productivity is the best! I do that a lot. I put something away or…
  • Happy Easter! ✝️ Today we are having kabobs for lunch. My husband's brother is in town, so he will be joining us. A nice day all around.
  • Friday Eve! This has been a long week. Just ready for the weekend to get here. @Meghan509 They have taken their sweet time getting someone hired! Almost to the end of the day!
  • I don't even know what day it is. I do know that I am having enchiladas for dinner tonight. @Meghan509 Glad you are liking your new watch and phone company. Off to make dinner and then hit Teachers Pay Teachers for my lesson tomorrow. It is state testing week so I am thinking a coloring sheet is the thing to do. We played…
  • I could *feel* the full moon crazy rolling off the students today. 🌕😳 Had a good weekend though. It was cold and rainy and I just snuggled up with the dog under the blankets. It was nice. Have a great week!
  • Looks like I missed yesterday! It has been a long week. Not much here, just making it through the day. This weekend I am going to SLEEP. Have a good one! Stay healthy! There's some nasty germs going around here. 😷
  • @Meghan509, glad you are having a smooth transition to a new phone company! Sounds like a really good deal! Let me know what you think of the watch. I have a Withings hybrid one, but I have been considering something new. Today was just a normal day. Nothing especially exciting. I did get to take a nap when I got home. I…
  • Today I took my students outside. They LOVE going out, even if it is just 5 minutes. I wish we had an area that was outside, but protected, so we could go out on nice days and do our work. @Meghan509 Saving money is always a great thing! I hope you enjoyed your quiet day. 😊 Have a lovely rest of the week!
  • We got a stomach bug at our house over the weekend. It was with hesitation and an empty stomach that I went to school today. Also, I legitimately had trouble remembering how to get up and get ready to go this morning. Once I got going, though, it was pretty smooth sailing. @Meghan509 Glad you had a nice time with the…
  • @Meghan509 Happy birthday to your BF's dad! Enjoy the time with family. 😊 Pretty quiet day here. Just gave the house a quick once over then watched "Damsel" on Netflix. I am not usually a fan of that kind of movie, but it piqued my interest. It was predictable, but pretty good. 😊 Now to find something else mindlessly…
  • Walked the dog, went and fetched my youngest from my parents' house, got everyone's taxes all finished up and sent. Whew! For Pi Day we are having pizza for dinner. 🍕 @Meghan509 Sounds like a great day! New shoes always make me feel fancy! Our chickens are loving the weather lately! They have been laying like crazy the…
  • Finishing up our taxes today. But the good part is that I have to run across town to talk to someone about the taxes and there is a really good breakfast spot between here and there. 😊 @Meghan509 I always forget how nice a rotisserie chicken is for leftover meals. Soup, enchiladas, casseroles. Enjoy your peaceful day! I am…