mgiron Member


  • You guys NEED to read the book: Kick the Drink. Really recommend it to change your mindset about alcohol.
  • Good morning, so I have derailed A LOT. It's good that I'm coming back to this group in order to continue with the alcohol hiatus. I guess I had to get it out of my system, but now I think that alcohol is the last thing in my mind.
  • Well it has been 5 days into June and I had my first 3 alcoholic drinks last night. I had 2 Smirnoffs I had in my fridge and a Michelob 25oz. I know I should've not drank them, but I was a bit frustrated as my wife lost her car keys last night. I went to sleep right after. I have found myself more and more in control of my…
  • I am joining this as well. I've been drinking more and more during the week; at times affecting my job by calling in sick. I am constantly telling myself, "Oh its my so and so's birthday, let's have drinks!" OR "Hey, it's Friday." I am tired of it as it's making me gain weight and becoming more of a habit than before. I…
  • @Anelle_C look check this out
  • 1st Round SW: 265 lbs 11/29 - Didn't weigh in but feeling my pants a bit looser :smile:* Skipped breakfast and started feeling hungry around 10:15 am. Wondering if skipping breakfast is a good thing since I've noticed to get hungry later in the evening around 9:00pm. 11/30 - Didn't weigh in but meal prepped to keep on with…