I'm back to the beginning again but I did make some really positive changes in my life while I was putting all my weight back on! :p I don't use any artificial sweeteners. I VERY rarely drink soda - maybe once a month or less. I kicked the Klonopin to sleep habit. I have become very aware of contents of beauty products,…
Hi all -- I had a system challenge with my pedometer and was in all day meetings for the past two days. No excuse but just to explain my absence.
What are standing crunches? :)
this is exactly what I need!
got it! :) thank you -- I confuse easily.
Happy Monday ladies! I managed to get some exercise in this weekend. Eating wasn't the bet but not the worse either. :)
I just want to make sure -- the challenge starts next Monday but we have weighed in already just to save a spot?
Thanks CBMCphillips! support is part of the key I think. Thanks for the welcome. One day at a time indeed -- I'm starting to think that food is the substance I abuse.
just what I need! I'm looking forward to getting started.
Hi! I'm glad to find this group. I have ben struggling with my weight pretty much all my life and lately, at age 52, menopause is making is all the more worse. I'm so frustrated with myself. I start every day saying today I'm going to be "good" and then, I'm not. I know that's the wrong way to look at it all but that's…
Any house is fine though -- I'm flexible.
I'd like to join the House of Tyrell please. Friend of scrapbookingtm. Thank you.
good job! working at home makes it harder and easier.