rbfl86 Member


  • I just started yesterday, so I have no results to share really. But I can say that I slept very well last night! The food plan is easy to follow and it allows for a lot of flexibility, it's really more about eating a balanced and well portioned diet than it is about eating this or that in particular. The exercises are fun…
  • I agree with that statement, but this program is based on the idea that it takes 21 days to form a habit. I just started the program this week and i'm feeling really good about it... it's mostly about learning portion control and fitting in that 30 minutes of exercise into your schedule. I am totally out of shape and have…
    in 21 day fix? Comment by rbfl86 April 2015
  • I just started my first round yesterday. So today was day 2 and i'm excited about day 3! This mornings workout wasn't as hard as yesterdays, I enjoyed the first 15 minutes and made it through the last 15 :smiley: The meal planning is definitely new for me but i've found that it has some added benefits, i'm keeping my…
  • This is incredible! Thank you so much for sharing! I am just starting out on my journey, like many i've started and stopped a hundred times before but I am truly motivated and holding myself accountable. I hope to one day be able to share a success story like yours!