Hi! I do Brazilian jiu jitsu 2-3 times and kickboxing once per week. In addition I do ashtanga yoga and strength training, depending on my recovery levels. If you are just getting back then maybe do just some MA training and see how your body takes that. Training MA itself can be quite hard without additional strength and…
Thanks I'll have a look! Seems like there are more sizes at US market than in EU. Some makes allow mixing tops and bottoms as well which might work better. I've tried A4 top and it was comically big while trousers crotch was towards my knees although they otherwise fitted.
I've trained no gi so far and borrowed a top when needed in practice but obviously well fitting gi of my own would be better. Surely I can't be the only larger sized woman doing bjj so there must be some gi's available somewhere
Me as well. I'm fairly novice still but enjoyed it (mostly) so far
Things like chickpea salads and curries and chilli sin carne made with soya mince and mixed beans are high in protein. Also very tasty. For snacks hummus with carrots, nuts or chia puddings
Wow! That sounds a lot to lose while training hard. Good luck tho!
I just started BJJ, really good fun! I mainly train kickboxing so it's nice to have a bit of variety. Goes really well with yoga as well
Hmm this is a bit swings and roundabouts. Hypothyroidism may slow your metabolic rate and make you burn less calories. True but it also makes you cold and tired that ultimately has more impact as it's hard to get up from sofa and go running when you feel already tired and freezing and it's raining outside. Being cold also…