kimbers74 Member


  • Lab Technician
  • I tried the 1200 at the start. Felt like I was a rabbit and starving myself. No snacking only 3 meals a day was the only way I could meet it. The nutritionalist at the gym told me off. Too aggressive. She said she would start the big girls on 1400-1500 a day. And cause I only wanted to loose 10kg, that just cutting back to…
  • Well I must say the drink was dissapointing. I could so replicate this drink home. (Unlike the classic spanish version.) It was ok, but not different in flavor from basic cocao & milk with just a touch of coconut. I was not expecting wow, just something that was decadent being San Churros. This drink is not it. As for the…
  • I found once the calorie intake increased from 'loosing weight' to maintenance. I would bloat after every meal. I looked 4-6mths pregnant. Tummy swolen & hard. 2 hour later gone. I saw a Sports diet nutritionist. First of all we increased the calories from dieting 1200 a day by 20-50 calories every week. This was done till…
  • Hi. Like yourself have tried a few. Musashi - Bulk Mass Gain Vanilla - ok. Choc in the same brand - ok. Vital Strength - Professional Muscle Advanced Mass Protein Vanilla - nice. Gaspari Nutrition Myofusion Probiotic Series Elite Protein in Banana - yum. Dymatize Nutrition ISO100 Vanilla, Banana & Choc - yum. Mixed Berries…