tinytexn Member


  • I love Body Combat. Congratulations on the progress! It's funny because when most people are throwing jabs eye level, I typically aim higher since I'm so short. I imagine if I were ever in a bad situation, the person would be a lot taller than me, lol. I'm looking forward to working on my form. I think it'll help us in the…
  • Spaghetti squash spaghetti with lean ground beef and light marinara sauce. I use about 100g of spaghetti squash, 3 oz of ground beef and 1/2 cup Prego's light traditional sauce. Ends up around 250 calories. It's very filling to me.
  • Hey, Thanks for sharing. I had horrible eating habits too and never thought it would catch up to me. Well, it did a couple of years ago. I finally did something about it. I began dieting and going to the gym religiously. Admittedly, I was stricter than I really needed to be. Lately, I've been giving myself a bit more…