dmfish1 Member


  • I would like to state again for those who have recommended that I try therapy. I have been to counseling, I am also follow by my Doctor regular( 2 to 3 months) For those who feel that I am blaming food for my overeating, I am responsible for what choices I make. I would not have posted if I was not owning my eat problems.…
  • sugar is pure glucose, donut are made with process sugar as are most sweets etc. I believed the body will readily and very quickly metabolize this type of sugar. However, Fresh fruit and veggies offers so much more than the natural sugar (fructose) it contains – including water, vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytonutrients…
  • hi, I need to lose 100 lbs, I had loss 67lbs and kept off for 2 years, and gain all back this past year or so. I am starting over. This is good place to start
  • I should also add, That I do believe process sugars are addictive to the body. The more you eat it the more you crave it. I understand there are sugars in fruit and veggies, but these are combine with fiber and such, metabolize differently, more slowly. then say a donut. I did make a few food selection base things that…
  • I should have added, that I have been followed by a MD through all of this, and counseling on and off. I never said I was not responsible for my choices, as stated above I went back to old coping habits, that made me feel good, In the moment. I took the path of least resistance. Each person can have an opinion, but if you…