

  • Hi All, super cool looks like we have friends to keep us accountable - let's do 5lbs down by end of May. You ready? I'm a tech dork and don't really know how to put us gals in a "group" - can anyone do it, tell me how? I'll like to start a thread ???? Or do we just check back here? My tip is that I must plan my meals and I…
  • Yay three in a few minutes; I'd call us motivated. I'm going to personally try to loose 5lbs by the end of May. Part of my falling down and not getting up, is setting myself up for failure w too high or unattainable goals! Today was a bad eating day for me so I need to change my evil ways tomorrow to get on track for 5…
  • Let's do it! Want to set a goal w me? Want to loose 5lbs by end of May? I'll be accountable with you and anyone else - want the goal to be attainable so I don't beat myself up trying to reach it! LMK
  • I'd like to hang with you all! 40 and need to loose 20. Working on (a daily struggle) no recreational sugar/no white flour, rice, bread, etc/no processed foods. Goal of 4 days per week at the gym. Throw me into the message thread :)