Searching for accountability gals

I'd like to get a small group of gals that want to be accountable to the group as a means to stay motivated and leave those extra 15-25 at the front door! How about checking in every/every other day listing food (good/bad), emotions, exercises attacked, positive words, asking for help - you get the idea. I need to tell someone my successes so I make sure to kick my booty into shape! Ya interested?


  • rcaissie2012
    rcaissie2012 Posts: 37 Member
    I tried to start a small group for the same reason and people added themselves to the group but have not posted once all week. I have posted mini challenges etc and today finally decided to give up. I would love to be part of whatever you can get started.

    I once help manage a group of ladies on weight watchers and I lost 102 lbs. it really helps to have others and to help others also helps you
  • Julie95020
    Julie95020 Posts: 19 Member
    Sounds good to me. Can I join in?
  • lovereichul
    lovereichul Posts: 30 Member
    I would like to join. I want people who will tell me honestly if i've fallen off the wagon.
  • cnojfedf
    cnojfedf Posts: 5
    Yay three in a few minutes; I'd call us motivated. I'm going to personally try to loose 5lbs by the end of May. Part of my falling down and not getting up, is setting myself up for failure w too high or unattainable goals! Today was a bad eating day for me so I need to change my evil ways tomorrow to get on track for 5 lost end of May goal. Anyone w me?
  • Julie95020
    Julie95020 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! I am with you! But I have a lot more than 15 pounds to lose! I just lost the first 10 after tracking my food and exercise for about 3 weeks. I have become rather obsessed with it, very motivated!
  • Julie95020
    Julie95020 Posts: 19 Member
    I think it's great to set small goals at a time. That's why I'm thinking in terms of 10 pounds at a time. Now I'm ready to take off the next 10!!!
  • Julie95020
    Julie95020 Posts: 19 Member
    5 pounds by the end of May should be very doable!
  • MP768
    MP768 Posts: 1
    I'm with you too! You can do this !
  • lose3stone
    lose3stone Posts: 76 Member
    Hi, I have 30lbs to lose in total but truly believe that small steps and support are the way to success. Please can I join your group?
  • chris_in_wales
    chris_in_wales Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I've got quite a lot to lose and keep getting distracted. Really want to do it this time. Can I please join your group? And how do I join your group? Do I just add you all as friends. Haven't really done anything other than tracking food on MFP yet.
  • LettyTomy
    LettyTomy Posts: 15 Member
    Let's do this!
    cnojfedf wrote: »
    I'd like to get a small group of gals that want to be accountable to the group as a means to stay motivated and leave those extra 15-25 at the front door! How about checking in every/every other day listing food (good/bad), emotions, exercises attacked, positive words, asking for help - you get the idea. I need to tell someone my successes so I make sure to kick my booty into shape! Ya interested?

    Yeah! I'm interested! Lets Go! Add me!
  • FEBZ67
    FEBZ67 Posts: 2 Member
    This is perfect! Just what I need as well. Add me please?
  • hellbettybrat
    hellbettybrat Posts: 14 Member
    Can I join? Add plz?
  • siobhan_mccabe88
    siobhan_mccabe88 Posts: 3 Member
    Count me in! Sounds great! Just starting mfp today so this would be perfect help. Please add me.. :)
  • celticlass69
    celticlass69 Posts: 61 Member
    Sounds like a good idea! I'm in!
  • cybyll52
    cybyll52 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm in.New to this site and also recently restarted Nutrisystem, I have 30 ponds to loose. Could use some motivation friends. Please add me. My name is Lisa and I am 52 years young.
  • cybyll52
    cybyll52 Posts: 16 Member
    Could someone please tell me how to bookmark this page, thanks
  • 4Angelcakes
    4Angelcakes Posts: 7 Member
    Totally interested in your small group sounds like just what I need.
  • SSImpalaGurl
    SSImpalaGurl Posts: 4 Member
    I would love to be part of this group!!!!
  • jotelicia
    jotelicia Posts: 4 Member
    Sounds like a great group!! Please add me!! I need all the motivation as possible :p