mom42677 Member


  • I overeat when depressed, but have found this DB to be helpful. There are many of us on this discussion board and it helps me think before I go for seconds, thirds and junk food. But yes, it is a challenge. I am currently on day 6 and feel like the worse is over --the sugar cravings and the salty food cravings have all…
  • Went shopping today and hated everything; I figured everything was cute but if only I were small enough to wear it well...walked out of the shopping mall disappointed. Returned home just to eat a big bowl of unhealthy macaroni & cheese. Any suggestions?
  • I did fine all day until I had dinner at my sister in laws. That just wrecked my mood and I returned home to eat Ben & Jerry's with streusal bread. Now I'm thinking, why do I let fake, hypocritical and jealous people ruin my mood?
  • I overeat when I'm depressed; the last 10 years or so after my divorce, I have felt like a failure on and off so I resort to food for comfort. Also, sometimes I don't want to attract the wrong guy so I isolate and just eat a whole lot. Eitherway, I am trying to regain my control and this time for good...and I am going on…
  • Weight lifting heavy with a personal trainer. Back fat is difficult to tone. Also, lots of water in between meals. Push ups at home is a good start. There are these exercises called, overhead pull down bar or free bar, free weight erectors, sitting back rows are also good. It's not easy, but it worth trying. Good luck.
  • My mom wasn't supportive of me dieting or exercising either and your story sounds very similar to mine. What I did was just ignore her rude or discouraging remarks and would eat but only the good part of the meal. I'm mexican so rice and beans and homemade tortillas always appear at the table --I would avoid the rice and…