csmithson84 Member


  • Well done! It can be hard to try and get back on track but you've taken the hardest step and that's getting started again! Good luck! Feel free to add me if you would like some support/motivation!
  • Please don't lose hope! I always try and get people to look at the bigger picture....which I know isn't always easy! Look at the wonderful lifestyle choices you're making. Your working out 5x a week which is great and you're eating well. That's a great start! The scale doesn't always show us the whole picture....The best…
  • Hey! I joined to the site tot try and help motivate people! Have a look at my profile and feel free to send me a message or FR! Good luck!
  • I use a similar system with clients....for example if they eat something not on their plan....they have specific exercises to do! Drop me a message if you think this would help you!