duskyjewel Member


  • I made myself stay away from the giant vanilla cake in the break room last week. Someone is always putting sweets in there and it is a challenge to walk past and not have some. I just have to remind myself that it's not usually worth the calories.
  • I became a certified nursing assistant 8 years ago (at age 36) and during my training, one of the patients we took care of was a man who had lost parts of all 4 limbs to diabetes. He was still very overweight. He did not get out of bed until someone came in with the mechanical lift to put him in his wheelchair. He had to…
  • I spent yesterday cooking to get ahead for the week. Last night we ate navy bean with bacon and spinach soup, and there are leftovers portioned out for lunches. I also made Blissful Butternut Squash Soup, but only for my husband and I to take for lunches because the kids don't like it. And I made turkey pumpkin white bean…
  • Holy necro-thread, Batman.
  • I remember one time I had a juvenile patient in a clinic I worked at, and he was brought in by a "boot camp" counselor as he was in a residential program for troubled teens. The counselor and the kid were discussing his weight loss efforts. I offered that I had lost 50 pounds in six months, and he asked how I did it. I…
  • Sunday 9/8 - walked around a shopping center while waiting for the kids to finish an activity, might have been a mile but I think it was just under Monday 9/9 - 1.2 miles walking the dogs and another 4 miles on the elliptical Keep going milers!
  • Pasta in thick, creamy cheese sauce. Put a high quality plate of mac n cheese or fettuccine alfredo in front of me and I'll polish off the whole thing. No calorie regrets either, those are worth it.
  • Made myself get off the couch once it cooled down in the evening so I could put in my mile. 1.2 walking today.
  • We're all just concerned that you seem to be getting unscientific woonatical "diet advice" from a completely unqualified person. The impact of that can range from frustrating your weight loss goals to actual danger. Please get diet advice from a qualified professional like a registered dietician or a bariatric physician,…
  • So that's a no. Okay, we tried.
  • OK but lentils are very rich in complex carbs, so why are they allowed? You need to talk to this person you have given control over your diet and understand what you are doing and why.
  • Even if it dooms you to going right back to being obese? If you want to lose this weight for good, and stop this cycle (which is really hard on your heart by the way) you are going to have to learn to be patient and lose weight more slowly in a healthy way that you can sustain for life. If you're willing to do ANYTHING,…
  • We already know this is woo. But, hasn't stopped anyone before....
  • Or maybe you've been yo-yo dieting for years because you do unrealistic and unsustainable things like restrict your calories to 1050.
  • Are you allowed potatoes? Because if you are, starch is not the problem. I'm confused as to why anyone would restrict such low calorie, high fiber, nutritionally dense foods as carrots and squash. Your words "my guess is" are kind of a red flag. You are allowing someone else to restrict your dietary intake and you don't…
  • If you have had the app for two years and it has never worked, you should've deleted it 23 months ago. Everything has glitches. MFP glitches seldom enough that I don't sweat it much. It's free, and I can't complain too much about a free thing.
  • The creamy lentil soup (second one in my post) is vegetarian.
  • Since I have now regained a lot of what I lost and am working on losing it again, and have worked on it intermittently for a couple years, I will tell you that every time I lose weight, it goes from the outside in. I notice my lower legs and arms getting slimmer, then my thighs and upper arms, then my breasts and butt get…
  • I can vouch for both of these being delicious. https://www.skinnytaste.com/lentil-and-chicken-soup-3-pts/ https://www.skinnytaste.com/creamy-lentil-soup/
  • I've been feeding a growing family of 7 on a budget, and for many years did it with only one income in the house. Let me tell you some of the things I have learned. First, Skinnytaste is my favorite healthy recipe website. So check that one out. Cooking Classy is rapidly becoming my second favorite. Protein is usually the…
  • Taking a day off from the gym and did a long walk with hubz and the dogs. 3 miles logged for today.
  • Last night I baked fresh bratwurst in the oven while I fried up some potatoes lyonnaise and made homemade coleslaw (dressing mixed the night before).
  • Only allowing oneself to eat during 4 hours of the day and also low carb, low fat, and only 1200 calories, but struggling to even eat that? This story is going to end in the ER.
  • Once or twice a week. I found weighing everyday was causing me to obsess about it, so I stopped doing that.
  • I agree with her. Hot showers are one of the main benefits of living in a first world country and I, for one, intend to continue appreciating my good fortune. ;) Now, as I live in Phoenix Metro I can tell you I have definitely taken cool showers, but never cold. But do you! If it feels invigorating and you like it, stick…
  • 9/5 already! This morning we did not walk the dogs as hubz was tired from his late evening class yesterday, but I did get in my 2.5 miles on the elliptical. Might try to walk the pups in the evening if it cools off enough, but we will see.
  • For people who do not have preexisting hypertension issues, salt is no concern at all, because the kidneys do their job. Salt does not cause hypertension. For people who already have hypertension, however, they can have problems with salt making their blood pressure worse and may have to restrict it. Probably because so…
  • You're welcome ;) https://www.cookingclassy.com/lemon-ricotta-pancakes/
  • I'm looking forward to that in another 6 weeks. Phoenix Metro doesn't really cool off until we get close to Halloween. Which is why we get up to walk the dogs at 4:30. :s