

  • Wow, thanks for all the responses everyone! I did something to my back when I was 11 (12 years ago), and all doctors ever told me to do was rest it (Despite it being consistent!). I had to specifically ask to see a physiotherapist and within 2 weeks the constant ache turned into a tightening when I move too much, so I need…
  • We can help each other out! :) I need help with forcing myself to exercise and, when the time comes, giving up stuff like Chocolate and coke. Like I said though, first couple of days I'm not worrying too much, even if I go over my calorie intake. I want to see how much I eat just by keeping an eye on things (Although I…
  • I have about 9 stone to shift, I want to get to around 12st then decide if I need to lose more. I know that about 12 is fairly healthy for me. So, it's more than double what you have to lose, but you said "+"! I did this manually about 4 years ago and I was at my healthiest. I want to go back to that. My aim for right now…