emmy0417 Member


  • Pinksunshine - read your profile - powerful story and amazing willpower - good for you! 10!
  • Yeah - MFP had mine set at 1444 and my nutritionist has me set at 1800. Apparently it's really more about the amount of proteins, carbs, fats and sugars you take in and what your desired outcome is - e.g. do you want to lose weight? do you want to tone? do you want to get cut? All that. I'm doing the 1800 now but the diff…
  • I'm 5'9" 220 and looking to be around 160-170 too! I don't think that it's realistic to hope for less than that. I've already lost 50 lbs (not with MFP - just with healthier living) but plateaued horribly... so here I am. Feel free to add me! :)
  • A friend of mine did it in GA where I live now - you are not crazy at all and if you want to do it - GO FOR IT!!! There's another one called "Muddy Buddy" see if that one will be around. SERIOUSLY - I do really really well when I have a goal. If you have one - that's just all the more reason to push. DO IT!!! FOR REAL!!!!
  • I like Jillian Michaels' protein powders - and the ingredients are almost identical to Herbalife! $10 @ Walmart
  • She's on to something with the weekend warrior thing. I find something and make it for the whole week (or 2 somethings sometimes) and then I eat those things for a week. Then on the weekend I do it all over again. You might get sick of it by the end, but it's only a week. And when you make it, make the right amount to last…
  • Hey Jesse! Welcome to MFP! :) You're def in the right place. And you can DO this! Everyone on MFP is so motivational - my friends got me started and I've come to discover many many more awesome people who help me along the way. I started and stopped and of COURSE I came back after I gained my weight back... cuz w/out MFP?…
  • Try a protein shake. You can make them yourself at home and take them with you for later in the day or you can buy them. At the very least you'll be putting something in your body and boosting your energy.
  • I'm the exact same way. I use the website when I'm down and out and need to get back on track - and it works - it's awesome! ! Then I lose some weight, get excited (and hungry) and eat whatever I want, get lazy, eat some more and that's a wrap. I think the most important thing to remember is that losing weight has to be a…
  • Good for you - I love that a healthy life style is a part of your life - not just wanting to lose the weight and not worry about it. I love yoga! Go get certified - that would be an AWESOME career. Good luck to you - this really does work if you use it everyday and stick to it! You CAN do it :)