pcoslady83 Member


  • Then..let us just wait and respect people's experiences rather than dismissing them as willpower problem.
  • Sugar interferes as much as water with brain chemistry for you. It may not be the case for others.
  • Sure science will determine that...eventually. Till then, it is good to have an open mind.
  • Science cannot explain sugar addiction YET. The jury is still out. Science cannot explain a lot of things/phenomena YET, that doesn't mean those things don't exist or phenomena doesn't happen.
  • I believe refined sugar is addictive to many people and at the minimum an appetite stimulant which interferes with normal brain functionality. So I think corporations are using these attributes of sugar to increase profits. Aaaaannnnnndddddddd...I don't like debating at all. I used to though, but when I started…
  • Exactly. Sugar is not a banned substance and it is cheap, readily available. Why would any one go to jail for consuming a legal substance. The story is heart breaking and I am glad that the poster's sister found a loving and safe home.
  • Also..by the way..many people as soon as they recognize that sugar triggers addictive behavior do try moderating it. When it fails, they abstain from it. That is how they "decide" gain control over something that is just not working for them. So they try and in most cases are successful as well.
  • You can read what I wrote once more.. I don't understand how people are addicted to alcohol or smoking. I cannot understand why they need rehab or a support group to quit drinking when I cannot finish a glass of wine or stand the smell of smoke. That is completely okay. What I do understand if they need assistance to quit…
  • Sure..quitting cigarettes may not come close to quitting narcotics. But is smoking still considered an addiction? You had enough will power to quit smoking and control your sugar cravings, the same can be extended and said that if some one had enough will power they could have come off narcotics or alcohol too. At least…
  • What is your opinion on smoking? Is that addictive? I have seen people trying to quit smoking having a hard time but definitely not as hard as you are explaining here. But it is still considered an addiction.
  • I didn't call her dumb. I called her belief dumb.
  • Weigh 69.9 KGs by next weekend. I am currently 71...I so want to be out of 70s.
  • Because you are a super hero...!!!
  • I completely agree with you and it has been my experience as well. I had a particularly hard time when I started living with my husband because he loves sweets. He always has to get cookies/brownies/cakes etc when we or he alone go grocery shopping. I gained around 20Lbs within first few months. He just couldn't understand…
  • I don't believe sugar should be banned. I do believe that added sugar is bad for vast majority of people and it is one of the important causes for the obesity epidemic and people should be educated about this. I also believe that it is just not a matter of self control or will power and refined sugar can be addictive. I…
  • I can turn around an ask the same question. How are people so convinced that it is will power and not the brain chemistry? I am in no way reinforcing the idea in my brain that sugary foods were meant to be overconsumed. On the contrary, I am saying that there is absolutely no need for added sugar in our diet. I am also…
  • These arguments aside, I am just surprised by the number of people who think their reality is the absolute reality and their experience is the only experience and must be true for every one else. If their experience doesn't match with some one else's then the other person is wrong or somehow deficient. It is such a narrow…
  • It is because of the difference in the way candy and peaches are metabolized and the fiber content in them and how quickly sugar enters blood stream. More refined the carbs are, more easily they will cause you to overeat. So it is easy to overeat candy when compared with white bread. It is easy to overeat white bread when…
  • Well..what do you think is the reason for these manufacturers to add sugar in their products?
  • Well...you may think that feeling out of control with food is quite different from alcoholism. That doesn't mean it is true. Also we are talking sugar, and specifically added sugar in this topic not food in general. Neither I said abstaining is a panacea for all addiction. But for many, abstaining works well. Moderation…
  • Good that you found something that works for you. Whatever is your experience is true for you. I am not questioning that. If moderation works for you, good for you (same for people who have problem feeling out of control with drinking). At the same time, whatever I experience is true to me. For me abstaining from sweets…
  • Sure..I accept that it may not be a fair comparison and sorry if my comment came across as insensitive. I am saying exactly what you are saying. For people who have never experienced what it is to have no control once they start eating candies, it is easy to say that it is all about will power when in fact it is not. One…
  • ok..this is my second post on MFP, figuring out how this works. First comment kind of got collapsed. @stevencloser: Have you heard of people who have no problems totally abstaining from alcohol but they have controlling once they start drinking to the point where they are drinking against their will? It is exactly like…