Kdenino8 Member


  • Yes I have a Jawbone UP and I seriously love it!! I also take raspberry ketones and will be buying more pre work out, I ran out Atm. Your welcome to join!!! Start day is tomarrow because it's exactly 2 months away
  • I am also 5'2 but my ideal goal is 120. But being tone as well, thats why i joined a crossfit gym to help me shed the fat with lots of cardio and tone with the weights. And thank you for support! yes let me know, would love to keep track!!
  • Yes we have one cheat day a week, and that is only for one meal for that day. and it usually isnt that bad. Thanks! i got this! We all got this!
  • Thank you very much, yes its a very do able goal. im VERY active, i work in the hospital so im constantly on the move, and working out 6 days a week. My diet consist of lots of protien, we (my family) took out breads, pastas, any/all dairy, we do the paleo diet and it makes you feel fabulous!
  • Yea but last time I didn't lose it rite, this time I gave myself a respectful goal and I'll work hard for it with lots of determination!!! Keep focus with exercise and diet.. A whole lifestyle change
  • larabars are the best type of snacks i use! that and sweet potato chips or apple chips. i also do a banana with almond butter..
  • ive done it before, just havent worked out 6 days a week. the training im starting is 6 days a week.