bwayne533 Member


  • With Endo diet its anti inflammatory. Less inflammation, less chance of inflamed adhesions. Not to mention it helps control hormones which causes issues with Endo. High estrogen equals pain. No red meat, no pork, no soy, no dairy, no etoh, no caffeine, no refined sugars, gluten free/wheat free, no preservatives/additives.…
  • I use MFP and have started holding myself accountable as of this week to exercise. I have new dx of IC, PFD, and IBS on top of Endo now. Not so fun for the diet world. Any advice?
  • Endo diet consists of no dairy, no gluten, no wheat, no alcohol, no red meat/pork, no soy, no refined sugars, .... Good website to follow is she has books for iphone iBook, kindle and paperback. I have all 3. Very insightful. I follow endo foodies on facebook and endo diet support group & natural remedies…
  • I'm 34 and in the same boat. I offer no help but seek it on fatigue. I was a 1/2 marathon ... Marathon runner. Zapped energy. Eat very healthy. Sleep well but tired beyond tired. I follow the endo diet and take vitamins from natural food stores (no added junk). Some days are better than others.
  • Unfortunately includes all alcohol. IT SUCKS but I feel better for the first time in lord knows how long. But not easy to go out with family and friends and ENJOY food/drink.
    in NEWBIE Comment by bwayne533 April 2015