I completely agrre with Giraffe on this one, its always best to train on a heavier and slower bike, then when you do jump on your race bike it feels so much different and quicker. A bit like running in wellington boots and then racing in trainers. A road bike also helps mentally too to get you in the frame of mind to…
Only a guilty person has things to hide....
Go for it, you are your own limitation, and are solely responsible for what you can and want to achieve. Good luck!
Have a look on the nutrition/eating/meal discussion boards on here, there are stacks of good ideas that help break up eating menus
Im living in Leicestershire, feel free to add me..
DOMS is Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness. Some people like to judge how hard they have perceived themselves to have worked by how much stiffness and soreness they experience afterwards. At the end of the day you know in yor heart of hearts how hard you have worked, i have had DOMS from doing 4 sets of light weight squats…