revlaura Member


  • I love your "never give up attitude" You can do it! Logging helps you to prevent those "oooops didn't realize how much I've eaten today" You may find "prelogging" your food helpful, and if you don't eat it all, just delete. It really helps keep you on track. Also helps for those "planned" splurges, so you know where you…
  • Good for you! Keep heading in the right direction and you will reach your goal. The only real set back is quitting!! All the best.
  • Awesome!!! Good for you! Safe journey!! I'll weigh in too on Mondays. Weekends are my hardest time keeping on track. So Monday it is. Is it best to go weigh just once a week? I'm another "every day (almost) on the scale person". Surprising this morning, Lost . 4lbs.
  • Hi, what works for me is to alternate nights when I eat a little more snackwise, and nights when I have a very light snack, eg. a piece of fruit, or a lo-cal hot chocolate. It has to be something I really enjoy too! I found too much evening snacking, EVEN IF I was UNDER my cal goal, just stalled the weight loss. Must be my…
  • :smile: I agree that you should not be getting light headed. Low blood sugar. When I cut pop and extra sugar in coffee etc. I increased protein and I felt sooooooo much better. No more ups and downs, spikes and low energy swings. Having less calories, but better nutrition overall is secret to level energy. One problem I am…