How do you handle this...



  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    What is this forum, Mean Girls on a Rampage! I thought I was in the help forum...

    Well, in all fairness, I think a lot of us *are* adjusting to something completely different, which, as imagymrat mentioned, kind of freaks every system out a little bit.

    In all seriousness, dizziness is not a good sign... it's definitely worth seeing a doctor over (who knows... if it's just simple anemia, you'll probably be back to normal with some iron supplements), but as someone else said, if you get dizzy, eat something with some sugar (apples--skin on, of course--are always good) to ward off possible low blood sugar... it's *not* worth risking your long term health to cut a few dozen calories. It freaks me out to hear about how everyone's getting dizzy spells trying to "save" calories for another day or push themselves to drop more weight... please, treat your body well and it'll eventually get you where you're headed.
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    What is this forum, Mean Girls on a Rampage! I thought I was in the help forum...

    Well, in all fairness, I think a lot of us *are* adjusting to something completely different, which, as imagymrat mentioned, kind of freaks every system out a little bit.

    In all seriousness, dizziness is not a good sign... it's definitely worth seeing a doctor over (who knows... if it's just simple anemia, you'll probably be back to normal with some iron supplements), but as someone else said, if you get dizzy, eat something with some sugar (apples--skin on, of course--are always good) to ward off possible low blood sugar... it's *not* worth risking your long term health to cut a few dozen calories. It freaks me out to hear about how everyone's getting dizzy spells trying to "save" calories for another day or push themselves to drop more weight... please, treat your body well and it'll eventually get you where you're headed.
    Thank you for the advice. It isn't that I'm trying NOT to eat all my calories, I'm just not hungry like I used to be. I've been told that since I have cut back on the sugar, etc., and am eating more fiber-rich and protein-rich meals, I'm staying fuller longer. Is that the wrong way to go about this? Should I try to eat a piece of fruit or something like that even if I'm not hungry? I'm really trying to get this right this time. I REALLY do appreciate all the advice.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    What is this forum, Mean Girls on a Rampage! I thought I was in the help forum...

    Well, in all fairness, I think a lot of us *are* adjusting to something completely different, which, as imagymrat mentioned, kind of freaks every system out a little bit.

    In all seriousness, dizziness is not a good sign... it's definitely worth seeing a doctor over (who knows... if it's just simple anemia, you'll probably be back to normal with some iron supplements), but as someone else said, if you get dizzy, eat something with some sugar (apples--skin on, of course--are always good) to ward off possible low blood sugar... it's *not* worth risking your long term health to cut a few dozen calories. It freaks me out to hear about how everyone's getting dizzy spells trying to "save" calories for another day or push themselves to drop more weight... please, treat your body well and it'll eventually get you where you're headed.
    Thank you for the advice. It isn't that I'm trying NOT to eat all my calories, I'm just not hungry like I used to be. I've been told that since I have cut back on the sugar, etc., and am eating more fiber-rich and protein-rich meals, I'm staying fuller longer. Is that the wrong way to go about this? Should I try to eat a piece of fruit or something like that even if I'm not hungry? I'm really trying to get this right this time. I REALLY do appreciate all the advice.

    Just much are you exercising? I find that most people who cannot meet 1200 calories a day aren't doing much in the way of exercise. Once you get your metabolism in peak form, through proper diet and excersice, you'll find it much easier to consume those calories, and running a deficit, is going to eventually slow your progress...for example, i'm maintaning, I exercise on average of 1080 calories a day, I eat around 2400 lately a day, and I struggle to not lose weight...if you nousrish your body and keep active and making sure that when you do eat, you are eating right and frequently, you will see a difference in the way you feel. If you're getting dizzy, I would assume with no medical issues, your diet is probably to blame, fibre and protein only fill you for so long, if you're working out, you should be hungry again not too long afterwards...just trying to help out.
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    Actually, today is the third day of my diet. In the past, when my son had his accident, I was doing Pilates, running an average of 3 miles a day ( average was a 12 minute mile - alot for me), Slim in 6 and I'd ride my bike about 5 miles 3 to 4 days a week at an average of 11-15mph. I was very active. If memory serves me correctly, I felt the same way in the beginning as well. I do have some health issues, mainly being HBP. Even then, I hardly ever reached my calorie goal. I never was able to eat the exercise calories. I suppose I just have to give it some time. I have been on vacation this past week. I return to work tomorrow and plan to start up my exercising the way I did back then. Mainly the Pilates, walking first, then running again. I use to love to run.

    Thank you for your advice. I guess I know deep down what to do, I just want to do it and have it "stick" this time. I'm tired of yo-yo'ing...
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Wow didn't know my comment would stir such harsh feelings. I'm not a mean person. I just don't understand when people say they can't eat their calories. Maybe there's something wrong with me because I have more trouble staying under mine then I do getting them in. Seems particularly hard to keep from going over when I try to eat proper servings of dairy, fruit, vegetables, proteins and carbs. Sorry you took it so offensively. I certainly didn't mean any harm.
  • revlaura
    revlaura Posts: 6 Member
    :smile: I agree that you should not be getting light headed. Low blood sugar. When I cut pop and extra sugar in coffee etc. I increased protein and I felt sooooooo much better. No more ups and downs, spikes and low energy swings. Having less calories, but better nutrition overall is secret to level energy. One problem I am encountering is feeling queezy during a workout. Too soon after a meal, or what I do not know why.
    To breast feeding Moms. Your breast milk is very rich and very high fat content. You need healthy fats in your diet and lots of calories. I nursed both my children and found that a healthy diet, and good exercise along with breastfeeding reduced my weight without dieting or counting calories. Abundant nutrition, protein and vitamines are essential, especially calcium.
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