jennifergmcnamee Member


  • Thanks for the congrats, everyone. Here are my stats at one week pp for those curious. I had an epidural so retained a lot of water right after birth that I think is mostly gone now. Age: 28 First pregnancy Starting weight: 115 Weight at 40 weeks: 130.5 Weight of baby: 6.5 Weight at one week pp: 117 You are all doing…
  • Guys! I had a baby! Meet Eva Grace, born 8/23 at 8:34 pm after a 28 hour labor. She was a tiny thing at 6 lb, 8 oz. I got pumped so full of fluid at the hospital that I haven't lost any weight at all yet, but I already feel much more myself and am just enjoying having a more manageable body again. Here's a picture! (Sorry…
  • 28 yo and 1st pregnancy Height: 5'3" SW: 115 Goal: 25-30 lb. gain Week 17: 116 (+1) Week 18: 117 (+2) Week 19: 119.5 (+4.5) Week 20: 120 (+5) Week 21: 121 (+6) Week 22: 123.5 (+8.5) Week 23: 124.5 (+9.5) Week 24: 124.5 (+9.5) Week 25: 125.5 (+10.5) Week 26: 126.5 (+11.5) Week 27: 126.5 (+11.5) Week 28: 128 (+13) Week 29:…
  • 28 yo and 1st pregnancy Height: 5'3" SW: 115 Goal: 25-30 lb. gain Week 17: 116 (+1) Week 18: 117 (+2) Week 19: 119.5 (+4.5) Week 20: 120 (+5) Week 21: 121 (+6) Week 22: 123.5 (+8.5) Week 23: 124.5 (+9.5) Week 24: 124.5 (+9.5) Week 25: 125.5 (+10.5) Week 26: 126.5 (+11.5) Week 27: 126.5 (+11.5) Week 28: 128 (+13) Week 29:…
  • Congrats! I hope you and your new husband are having a wonderful time celebrating.
  • 28 yo and 1st pregnancy Height: 5'3" SW: 115 Goal: 25-30 lb. gain Week 17: 116 (+1) Week 18: 117 (+2) Week 19: 119.5 (+4.5) Week 20: 120 (+5) Week 21: 121 (+6) Week 22: 123.5 (+8.5) Week 23: 124.5 (+9.5) Week 24: 124.5 (+9.5) Week 25: 125.5 (+10.5) Week 26: 126.5 (+11.5) Week 27: 126.5 (+11.5) Week 28: 128 (+13) Week 29:…
  • Ugh. Sorry to hear that. I had to do fertility treatments to get pregnant and have been a nervous nelly since conception, so I've been thankful for my laid-back OB because only one of us can freak out at a time and it's going to be me! It's too bad you don't get the same kind of care. I'm just grateful we're both getting…
  • I'm a bit jealous of your ultrasound. My doc thinks my baby is small though, so maybe that's why I didn't get an extra scan? Here's me: 28 yo and 1st pregnancy Height: 5'3" SW: 115 Goal: 25-30 lb. gain Week 17: 116 (+1) Week 18: 117 (+2) Week 19: 119.5 (+4.5) Week 20: 120 (+5) Week 21: 121 (+6) Week 22: 123.5 (+8.5) Week…
  • Pregnancy weight gain is really so individual. All you have to do is read a couple of other posts to see that we all gain different amounts at different times. I've pretty much just decided to dial in my calories and let whatever happens, happen. You're doing great; don't worry about the future or how far you have left to…
  • 28 yo and 1st pregnancy Height: 5'3" SW: 115 Goal: 25-30 lb. gain Week 17: 116 (+1) Week 18: 117 (+2) Week 19: 119.5 (+4.5) Week 20: 120 (+5) Week 21: 121 (+6) Week 22: 123.5 (+8.5) Week 23: 124.5 (+9.5) Week 24: 124.5 (+9.5) Week 25: 125.5 (+10.5) Week 26: 126.5 (+11.5) Week 27: 126.5 (+11.5) Week 28: 128 (+13) Week 29:…
  • I will be hoping for you. That kind of limbo sounds terrifying.
  • 28 yo and 1st pregnancy Height: 5'3" SW: 115 Goal: 25-30 lb. gain Week 17: 116 (+1) Week 18: 117 (+2) Week 19: 119.5 (+4.5) Week 20: 120 (+5) Week 21: 121 (+6) Week 22: 123.5 (+8.5) Week 23: 124.5 (+9.5) Week 24: 124.5 (+9.5) Week 25: 125.5 (+10.5) Week 26: 126.5 (+11.5) Week 27: 126.5 (+11.5) Week 28: 128 (+13) Week 29:…
  • Isn't the swelling the worst? We're moving this week, and after being on my feet all day yesterday, I looked down and was horrified to see my fat calf disappearing into my tennis shoes. I've been chugging water like no one's business. I hope you can find some relief! Here's me: 28 yo and 1st pregnancy Height: 5'3" SW: 115…
  • Oh, my goodness! NO HOT WATER? That sounds absolutely terrible. I am just so excited to be in our new space already and to feel more prepared for this little one!
  • 28 yo and 1st pregnancy Height: 5'3" SW: 115 Goal: 25-30 lb. gain Week 17: 116 (+1) Week 18: 117 (+2) Week 19: 119.5 (+4.5) Week 20: 120 (+5) Week 21: 121 (+6) Week 22: 123.5 (+8.5) Week 23: 124.5 (+9.5) Week 24: 124.5 (+9.5) Week 25: 125.5 (+10.5) Week 26: 126.5 (+11.5) Week 27: 126.5 (+11.5) Week 28: 128 (+13) Week 29:…
  • 28 yo and 1st pregnancy Height: 5'3" SW: 115 Goal: 25-30 lb. gain Week 17: 116 (+1) Week 18: 117 (+2) Week 19: 119.5 (+4.5) Week 20: 120 (+5) Week 21: 121 (+6) Week 22: 123.5 (+8.5) Week 23: 124.5 (+9.5) Week 24: 124.5 (+9.5) Week 25: 125.5 (+10.5) Week 26: 126.5 (+11.5) Week 27: 126.5 (+11.5) Week 28: 128 (+13) Week 29:…
  • @VeryKatie: Look at his little cheeks! He's adorable.
  • @getfitgal123 and @VeryKatie: Congrats to you both! Getfitgal, your daughter is beautiful, and VeryKatie I would love to see a picture of your son. So happy you both had healthy babies!
  • 28 yo and 1st pregnancy Height: 5'3" SW: 115 Goal: 25-30 lb. gain Week 17: 116 (+1) Week 18: 117 (+2) Week 19: 119.5 (+4.5) Week 20: 120 (+5) Week 21: 121 (+6) Week 22: 123.5 (+8.5) Week 23: 124.5 (+9.5) Week 24: 124.5 (+9.5) Week 25: 125.5 (+10.5) Week 26: 126.5 (+11.5) Week 27: 126.5 (+11.5) Week 28: 128 (+13) Week 29:…
  • Honestly, the only things I could stomach for about 8 weeks were super bland-tasting foods. I think I lived on baked potatoes, bagels with plain cream cheese, and bland cereal. I could also sometimes do fruit like watermelon, which was good because water was actually more likely to make me vomit than any food and I had…
  • I think I'm just nervous because it's my first, and I really don't know what to expect. I'm hoping to have similar experience though. You give me hope it can happen!
  • That website looks really interesting. I'll ask my doctor what she thinks about these exercises at my appt. tomorrow. I get that message when I post my own updates every week but not when I reply to people for some reason. I cannot for the life of me figure out why that is, but I'm wondering if certain words trigger it or…
  • Height: 5'3" SW: 115 Goal: 25-30 lb. gain Week 17: 116 (+1) Week 18: 117 (+2) Week 19: 119.5 (+4.5) Week 20: 120 (+5) Week 21: 121 ( +6) Week 22: 123.5 (+8.5) Week 23: 124.5 (+9.5) Week 24: 124.5 (+9.5) Week 25: 125.5 (+10.5) Week 26: 126.5 (+11.5) Week 27: 126.5 (+11.5) Week 28: 128 (+13) Week 29: 128.5 (+13.5) Week 30:…
  • I think it depends how you're carrying as well. I'm carrying high, and all my pants still fit at 29 weeks. Shirts are a completely separate matter.... Also, I started showing at 18 weeks but am on the short side and carrying all out in front. I don't think there's really a "normal!"
  • Time for my weekly check-in. This is my first pregnancy, and I am shooting for a 25-30 lb. weight gain. Height: 5'3" SW: 115 Week 17: 116 (+1) Week 18: 117 (+2) Week 19: 119.5 (+4.5) Week 20: 120 (+5) Week 21: 121 ( +6) Week 22: 123.5 (+8.5) Week 23: 124.5 (+9.5) Week 24: 124.5 (+9.5) Week 25: 125.5 (+10.5) Week 26: 126.5…
  • You're doing awesome! I'm 28 weeks along too and up 13 pounds. Like you, I'm really struggling with the mental aspect of gaining weight (the weight itself seems to be piling on despite my best efforts!). Remember that we're doing it so we can have healthy, happy, chubby babies and that it's temporary. Besides, having lost…
  • Time for my weekly check-in. This is my first pregnancy, and I am shooting for a 25-30 lb. weight gain. Height: 5'3" SW: 115 Week 17: 116 (+1) Week 18: 117 (+2) Week 19: 119.5 (+4.5) Week 20: 120 (+5) Week 21: 121 ( +6) Week 22: 123.5 (+8.5) Week 23: 124.5 (+9.5) Week 24: 124.5 (+9.5) Week 25: 125.5 (+10.5) Week 26: 126.5…
  • Time for my weekly check-in. This is my first pregnancy, and I am shooting for a 25-30 lb. weight gain. Height: 5'3" SW: 115 Week 17: 116 (+1) Week 18: 117 (+2) Week 19: 119.5 (+4.5) Week 20: 120 (+5) Week 21: 121 ( +6) Week 22: 123.5 (+8.5) Week 23: 124.5 (+9.5) Week 24: 124.5 (+9.5) Week 25: 125.5 (+10.5) Week 26: 126.5…
  • Time for my weekly check-in. This is my first pregnancy, and I am shooting for a 25-30 lb. weight gain. Height: 5'3" SW: 115 Week 17: 116 (+1) Week 18: 117 (+2) Week 19: 119.5 (+4.5) Week 20: 120 (+5) Week 21: 121 ( +6) Week 22: 123.5 (+8.5) Week 23: 124.5 (+9.5) Week 24: 124.5 (+9.5) Week 25: 125.5 (+10.5) Week 26: 126.5…
  • Has anyone else had someone ASK how much you've gained? I was caught off guard so just told the truth, and she replied, "Oh. That's actually really reasonable." What does that mean? Do I look so big that you thought I had gained 100 pounds or something? I just don't understand her motivation for asking.