

  • oh sorry miss read :smile: it`s 7am over here..
  • Yes I would like that! :smile: I live alone and everything I do I do alone.. I got my dog and my self and it can be a bit boring
  • beemerphile1: Don`t know if that helps.. It`s the only data I got, but how they got the to the numbers I really don`t know
  • Screenshots from my pacer app
  • beemerphile1: I have no idea how they count calories, I just registered what I walked in the pace i walked it and the time spent on walking.. I think it sounds waay to high myself.. And tried to spread the minutes the way I actually walked them. Like when I walk back from the gym and store in my daily routine, I walk in a…
  • I appreciate all the help :smile: but my diary or the scale was not the point. It was not ment to be 100% correct, just an indication. The point was is 1800-2000 calories to low when I am as active everyday as I am. Until this week I have been working out less and eating more.. If I wanted a ice cream I got myself an ice…
  • Kikichewie: Yes pretty much, just a very small amount, maybe the size of a peanut.. I get most of the taste and moisture from jalapenos. But I do get the point, I don`t know exactly how much with out a scale. But it is my third day, and I started just to get some idea of how much it all adds up. But I will get a scale and…
  • Yes I been looking at some scales now :smile: Yes I think it`s clear what I need to do, eat some more and get a scale and do it proper.. Thanks for all your help :smile:
  • Yes, i will try to get my self a scale next week.. Right now money is a bit tight :smile: I also think I get to little protein so I bought some protein shakes to supply some more during the day. It may not be 100% accurate but I have been eating less than usual. But it tells me more than not paying any attention. So I also…
  • Thanks for the reply! :smile: No I am not in a race really, in fact I have not payed any attention to food until this week. Have been eating healthy though.. But focused much more on exercise! But have enjoyed and allowed my self really what ever I wanted. Since I live 10km from the store and gym, and don`t have a car, my…
  • No I don`t have a scale for that.. But I have been lucky these two days and all my food had been registered in myfitnesspal. Hope it`s correct
  • I am 186cm (6.1feet) and weigh 105kg 231 lbs. Had a stady weight loss of 1 kg (2.2 lbs) a week until now. Yes that is what makes me confused. When I burn more calories with exercise, maybe 1500 calories is to low.. And the other side again, I`m not feeling tired and have all the energy I need to do the exercise :smile:
  • Also is anyone from Norway?
    in Hi Comment by MortenJrgensen April 2015
  • Brumunddal, Norway