LovingMychelle Member


  • Thank you. I mainly do a lot of walking my job requires me to walk about 3 to 4 miles a day. Pilates I like to do in the morning is good for leg stretching and things like that I also downloaded this app for 30 Day Challenge it requires squats crunches launches and pushups so I'm trying to find different ways to work out…
  • My main motivation is son I want to be here to take care of him and not the other way around!!! Both patents are diabetic and I don't want to have that issue!!! I want the healthy girl that's been in me forever to come out and live life!!! I want to shop with no worry of size!!!
  • My main motivation is son I want to be here to take care of him and not the other way around!!! Both patents are diabetic and I don't want to have that issue!!! I want the healthy girl that's been in me forever to come out and live life!!! I want to shop with no worry of size!!!