Add me I will provide support looking for the same

I'm new to that app but I've been workingout since January my start weight was 265 my current weight is 248 my goal weight is 180 I have a small support group but since I'm using this app and it has this community I feel like why not join the community and see what I can get out of it and what I can put in it add me I'll add you back and good luck to everyone


  • Jojonh22
    Jojonh22 Posts: 88 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss! :smile: What do you like to do for exercise? Keep up the good work!
  • LovingMychelle
    LovingMychelle Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you. I mainly do a lot of walking my job requires me to walk about 3 to 4 miles a day. Pilates I like to do in the morning is good for leg stretching and things like that I also downloaded this app for 30 Day Challenge it requires squats crunches launches and pushups so I'm trying to find different ways to work out how about you what's working for you
    :) :-)