Alysonsblog Member


  • Really interesting stuff SymbolismNZ, Ive only been exercising for around 20 months prior to that I was purely dieting, did a selection of atkins and Dukan to lose the majority before finding exercise - had a trainer until August last year and it was them who set me up. I do around 10 mins of cardio then a rotating…
  • I feel like thats how I eat now aside from dairy, maybe if I took dairy out and went full on paleo principles again that might do the trick?
  • Thanks for replying, yes thats the recalculation that was done around august last year, since October times Ive just maintained or bounced around the same weight. I over estimate not under estimate food thats not already packaged with weights etc, but its a good point and prob time to bring out the food scales again. I…